Ideas For Green, White, Blue Tokens?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 26, 2013, 6:01 p.m. by DrunkenRaptor
I want to make a more unconventional Token Deck in Standard and Base is around Selesnya and Talrand, The Sky Summoner I made a America Talrand deck that would go 3/2 at best at fnm but i loved that concept and now im seeing possibilities in this Idea and i would like others inputs on the subject.
Growing Ranks , Midnight Haunting , Talrand's Invocation , Moorland Haunt , Favorable Winds , Intangible Virtue , maybe Trostani's Summoner with Conjurer's Closet ? Wake the Reflections for 2 tokens with Talrand and 4 with Doubling Season ? Possibilities are endless, be more specific in what you're looking for...
June 26, 2013 6:53 p.m.
Call of the Conclave , Selesnya Charm and Advent of the Wurm all make powerful tokens, and will come with a drake as a bonus if talrand is out. Cackling Counterpart and Progenitor Mimic are often forgotten as token cards, but keep in mind the legend rule, so you don't go off copying talrand and getting a nasty surprise. Same goes for Stolen Identity .
TheOne4221 says... #2
Parallel Lives +Populate mechanic+Talrand, Sky Summoner .
Great, a bunch of 2/2 drakes just from casting Druid's Deliverance or Rootborn Defenses ...
June 26, 2013 6:14 p.m.