Ideas to make Krenko Cedh
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 18, 2023, 9:39 p.m. by HawkeCloud
Krenko, Mob BossI just want to make this deck cedh any ideas are appreciated
Grubbernaut says... #3
It's just not good enough. It takes too much setup for too little payoff.
Godo, magda, and even kiki and rionya are all better.
April 20, 2023 12:03 p.m.
HawkeCloud says... #4
I guess I will just finish building it and show people it can be good enough
SynergyBuild says... #2
While I have no issue with the concept of a Mono-Red Najeela style cEDH deck that rather than comboing with combat->mana cards instead turns tokens->untap cards into an auto-win, it's not capable of making goblins competitive on its own, it's more of a Thornbite Staff combo deck at best, with you wanting to run mono-red stax (Magus of the Moon, Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance, Thorn of Amethyst, and Blood Moon) and using Krenko's Inevitability to take over a long game. Any Altar (Ashnod's or Phyrexian) and any untap for mana effect combos too (Staff of Domination, Sword of the Paruns, and Umbral Mantle) might be functional too, but sadly even though it adds 6ish more 2 card combos, they all cost a lot of mana and aren't easy in mono-red to tutor and fetch.
Godo and Helm might be an easy include as well, since helm and your commander win in a few turns, with the math meaning if you have both your commander from the start of the turn before attaching helm, and have no other goblins, you activate them both after making the new one and get a total of 8 on the first turn, 72 on the following turn, and 1168 goblins on the turn after that, most likely winning the game.
Outside of that a fast mana package to back up your combos and stax, some easy includes such as a couple counterspells like Pyroblast, some cheap removal and a manabase that works well enough since you are mono-colored to not stress about your own land hate backfiring and you have a successful Tier 3ish cEDH deck.
April 19, 2023 9:22 p.m.