If i were a rich man - pauper, need a finisher
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 24, 2013, 11:11 a.m. by ExpectDragons
Been on the site a while but haven't taken advantage of the forums yet but hoping i can get some input on my first pauper deck in regards to a finisher. I've gone for a Zoo landfall deck within Naya aiming to end the game quickly but i'm lacking a mid game finisher which i'd like to sideboard in at the very least. If the deck works as intended then it won't be needed but i'm not comfortable playing it without that option as i have no idea what anyone will be playing on the night.
Since it's pauper i'm having a hard time finding anything, any ideas?
ExpectDragons says... #3
we've agreed no eldrazi since we might be playing peasant after this so with the added uncommon eldrazi in the mix things will devolve into who can ramp the quickest lol i like the unmake great for sideboard although it is triple white, would you recommend that over the Beckon Apparition ? I thought i might be a good choice in case someone plays reanimator, is the rest of my sideboard ok?
But yeah that's idea, being able to get the landfall & voltron working together within zoo but i haven't deck tested yet. All the cards should arrive by friday and i'll be doing some casual testing on monday ahead of the pauper tournament the following week. One thing i had considered was Ruthless Invasion perhaps for the sideboard being brought in if they're not playing artifacts but the game's also competitive, i can cast it after landfalling so as to attack unblocked.
July 24, 2013 11:34 a.m.
Smith_and_Tonic says... #4
If i were a rich man. Just to make it easier for people.
July 24, 2013 11:47 a.m.
You could probably just as well run Awe for the Guilds if you're considering the "can't block" aspect. Probably.
July 24, 2013 12:09 p.m.
ExpectDragons says... #7
a group member just asked if she'd lent out her Slippery Bogle 's to anyone so odds are she and others will be playing bogle decks :x so i thought it might be a good idea to sideboard Celestial Flare as it's the only way i think i could deal with it, but that does also mean Awe for the Guilds is a risky choice but definitely in the maybe pile cheers
July 24, 2013 12:19 p.m.
You could also run Renounce the Guilds , which, depending on their decks, might or might not be better at hitting the Slippery Bogle 's specifically.
July 24, 2013 12:27 p.m.
Renounce the Guilds , alas, is not pauper-legal.
For your colors, Celestial Flare would be really good if you expect to see that deck a lot. It's even better than the black edicts for killing off those things.
Another thing you can do with Bogle decks is punish them for playing enchantments on their lands. Stone Rain out of the sideboard fits your colors and probably 2-for-1's them. As a bonus it's really good against Cloudpost decks too. (Full disclosure: my normal pauper deck contains 10 LD spells maindeck because of the prevalence of decks that get punished by it, so I may be biased.)
I've played with Beckon Apparition a little recently, and it's very, very good against decks that play Unearth type effects. But it's really metagame-dependent. Mono-black control is at a pretty low popularity online right now for instance, so it's probably not worth playing with Beckon. If you see more of that kind of thing, it's absolutely fantastic.
Barandis says... #2
"Pauper" and "finisher" are almost mutually exclusive.
The good news is that you don't really have to have a finisher because other people don't have them either. This is of course barring Ulamog's Crusher , which post decks like to run, but you're playing the right colors for dealing with that (Journey to Nowhere , Oblivion Ring , Unmake ). Mostly you should be pretty happy with getting down a Nacatl or a couple of Landfall creatures and then clearing the board so that you can get your beaters through.
You sort of have the Voltron thing going with Adventuring Gear and Colossal Might and Rancor anyway. Along with the fetchlands and the set of Harrow that you're running, all of your creatures are potential finishers. If anything, you could probably cut back on some of that if you find other parts of your deck lacking.
July 24, 2013 11:21 a.m.