If it can't be good can it at least be fast?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2012, 4:29 p.m. by ChaosRain
This is the first deck I've put together in a while, toying around with the Rakdos from RTR. I absolutely love the mechanic of Unleash and the number of quick cast creatures they got. I'm looking for a way to improve my deck though. I've got it to be extremely fast, but I feel like it could hit harder if I wanted it to. I've seen a lot of love for things like Zombies, but my U/B zombies is my seperate deck, and I want to be able to combat that playstyle. I think this deck can be built up into something devastating if given the proper love and attention, but I'm having a bit of a conundrum. If it is fast, can it hit harder? If I make it hit harder, can I then make it faster?
Here's the deck:
If you give me some assistance I'll review a deck of yours and upvote. Also, aside from the ACTUAL FNM, I don't get the opportunity to playtest with real people, so if anybody here would want to playtest over something like cockatrice, that would be awesome.
I like the revisions. I can't say that I like all of them, but I like the majority of them. Would it be feasible to substitute 3x Thunderous Wrath for Bonfire of the Damned ? Just because I can't justify spending $30 on 1 single card. It's honestly why I don't buy plansewalkers. Also, instead of 4x Stromkirk Noble , substituting 2 for 2x Deathrite Shaman ? I don't have to splash green that way for the benefit.
October 30, 2012 4:40 p.m.
Leaf-steel says... #4
Thunderous Wrath could be a viable replacement for it. Maybe drop it to a 2x instead of 3x to ensure you get it on the draw instead of in openers.
I also do like Deathrite Shaman as an idea. It turns used burn into more burn and if there was a green splash (say you threw in 2 or 3 Overgrown Tomb s) your creatures become life. I wouldn't suggest it, but you know. I like the shaman and wrath as 2x because then you can at least go to 3x Stromkirk Noble . If you have the cards, try getting it to 4x by maybe taking out a Rakdos Cackler .
October 30, 2012 5:48 p.m.
I you could try adding Brimstone Volley and Falkenrath Aristocrat 's. Also Brimstone Volley is really good with Vexing Devil , if they choose to pay the four he dies when he comes into play and you can do 5 more damage with volley for 2R, nearly half there life on turn four if you don't miss any land drops. The Brimstone Volley 's could replace your searing spear, or even your thunderous wrath if your not in the mood for risking your game plan on miracles.
I feel like deathrite shaman is kind of slow for you, if you are trying to hit them quick and hard, unless you choose to run more burn spells like the volleys or a fourth Bump in the Night .
In my testing I have found that Rakdos Shred-Freak 's are one of the last things I want to see in my hand, maybe consider adding more Vexing Devil 's Rakdos Cackler 's, or a single Zealous Conscripts as they can win the game for you, and they are 4R so it puts rakdos's second ability to work.
I really love Disciple of Bolas , but it seems sort of weak in your deck if you are trying to be fast and you have a bunch of small creatures other then your Rakdos, Lord of Riots. not sure of a time when you would ever like to get rid of him.
Good luck!
November 1, 2012 2:28 a.m.
Thank you. I'm thinking of getting rid of Disciple of Bolas as I took him from my exalted deck, and he really works better there. I'm also thinking of dropping Vampire Nighthawk down to 2, and replacing him with Zealous Conscripts . How many, I'm not sure of though, but at least 2. I feel like Rakdos Shred-Freak is good as 4, because turn 1 cackler, turn 2 freak is just hard to deal with. Plus, a 2 drop haste at any point has its perks. After running a few tests on Cockatrice, I'm planning on changing a LOT. Falkenrath Aristocrat gave me the most trouble, but I don't want to put it in, because I don't want to have the same R/B deck as everybody else. I need it to be fun for me to play. I'm going to drop quite a few creatures from the deck to figure out what works, and also redo the spells. Honestly, I'm debating on Cryptborn Horror as well, because I've yet to play him in a situation against the other guilds. It seems I always get him at Rakdos vs Rakdos playtests.
Leaf-steel says... #2
I like the deck, it's among my favorite types. Rakdos is for winners.
My suggestions:
1x Dreadbore throw it into the sideboard. Burn will be wanted main.
2x Rakdos Charm into sideboard as well.
-2 Daggerdrome Imp because I just don't like it. I liked Vault Skirge for 1, I dislike the imp.
-2 Racecourse Fury since it's not quite that good in aggro. It slows your attacks to let one other creature swing instead.
-4 Deviant Glee I just don't like enchantments in aggro. Net for too much loss when your creatures are dying.-1 Street Spasm -1 Rakdos Guildgate because it's just too slow.
-1 card:Rakdos's Return just because it's an expensive finisher.
-4 Fling because I just don't like the card. If your opponent counters it you just got 2-for-1'd and lost board presence, of your most powerful creature most likely.
+1 Mountain /Swamp to replace guildgate until you get 4x Blood Crypt .
+2 Rakdos Cackler because he is great in this type of deck.
+1 Hellhole Flailer because he is also great. He also serves as your 'fling' finale.
+4 Bump in the Night for 'burn' that can hit again later when forgotten.
+1 Rakdos, Lord of Riots because 2 is better than 1.
+3 Searing Spear for extra burn/removal.
+2 Magmaquake to replace and add onto Street Spasm . Double red is nasty, but it does more for less in my opinion.
+4 Stromkirk Noble because he's an awesome 1-drop beater.
I'd also suggest 3x Bonfire of the Damned replacing 2x Magmaquake and 1x Bump in the Night in the suggestions I made if you went to that. I know it's a lot of change, but that's how I'd do it. Take bits and pieces from it, you can probably speed it up still by just doing that.
October 29, 2012 7:01 p.m.