If you help me with this deck, I will pay you with a Shivan Meteor (to the face)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 31, 2013, 1:35 a.m. by Vericatura

If I caught your attention with my title, then Hello! I'm a guy with a mono-red burn standard burn deck (and a god-knows-what-this-is green deck). We'll be focusing on my red. Burntastic Mono-Red Deck

First, I need suggestions for better cards. I don't know what to replace here besides Shivan Dragon , because come on, he's old hat. Maybe a Stormbreath Dragon ? I personally think I need at least one big creature to dominate once I have board presence via token generation with Young Pyromancer and Molten Birth .

Also, I'm going to be putting two Elixir of Immortality in this deck. Once I get out a sufficient number of lands, I can just use the elixir and shuffle it and all my used burns back into the deck. Voila, I get a library with a better chance of drawing burns than lands! Is that okay? Okay?

Also, I desperately need sideboard suggestions. Please. :( Thank you :)

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