I'm kinda stumped here (Rogue White Weenie)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 29, 2013, 6:50 p.m. by VampireArmy

So i've been working on this white weenie build for quite a while! and i need help deciding a few things :c

Here's a link : Were-Dragon Weenies

A few points have been crossing my mind!

  • Is it worth it to keep the red so highly splashed? i could keep in the shocklands but remove the Mountains and Cavern of Souls then replace the Lightning Helix with Chained to the Rocks I'd be giving up life gain but gaining 4 more exiling spells. Opinions?

  • I have a slot of 2 in this deck that I'm stumped to fill. So far the best i can think of to fill it are Boros Reckoner , Sublime Archangel , and Mirran Crusader but I can't decide which one would be best! Opinions please.

  • This is my competitve build for modern i want this to win! like...really win so further insight on things i may have missed will be very appreciated, thanks in advance!

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