Immortal Servitude... in BANT...???

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 11, 2013, 11:39 a.m. by Rayenous

Yes! Immortal Servitude for X=2, for a powerful, unexpected onslaught.

Noticing all the fun/powerful 2-drop creatures in Bant colors, I decided to try assembling a deck that uses a number of them together, for an aggro-ish Zoo deck.

Once designed, I noticed that Immortal Servitude could be an unexpected power-house, and it has good synergy with some other cards, like Quicken and Beck / Call .

The Ramp, card Draw, and Scry make this fairly consistent... I'm mainly looking for side-board ideas at this point, but anything you can suggest would be nice.

Also... I can't decide between Voyaging Satyr or Gyre Sage ... sage can max out at 3/4 and 2 mana (excluding Voice of Resurgence Tokens) ... but the Satyr is never more than 1/2 and one mana, but it can colour fix.

deck chart Bant Servi2ude

Standard* Rayenous Playtest

  • Additional synergy explanations are in the deck description.


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