Improving Deathfed

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 10, 2012, 3:55 p.m. by pookypuppy6

Hey guys! With the release of Dark Ascension there, and the current cards available in Standard today, I wish to ask for budget advice for improving the Deathfed Event Deck.

My current copy is unchanged from the original, so take a look at the list online and give me your thoughts, mainboard or sideboard! :D

HoboCake says... #2

These are the changes I've made to the deck, still needs some work, but see what you think deck:mills-to-pay-the-bills.

February 10, 2012 10:01 p.m.

danodcm says... #3

Tracker's InstinctsMTG Card: Tracker's Instincts is a must, it ended up completely replacing forbidden alchemy in my deck

Dawntreader ElkMTG Card: Dawntreader Elk is a possible choice, although between it and Viridian EmissaryMTG Card: Viridian Emissary, it really depends on your preferences and how you play

GhoultreeMTG Card: Ghoultree is also solid creature for this kind of deck

Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge is a card I find extremely useful when I have GhoultreeMTG Card: Ghoultrees and Boneyard WurmMTG Card: Boneyard Wurms in play. You can mill it and still use it, or get 2 uses out of it from your hand

Increasing ConfusionMTG Card: Increasing Confusion is also a possible choice, although I wouldn't really put in the deathfed deck

Other than that, Deadly AllureMTG Card: Deadly Allure is a possibility to force trades

You can see my deck here, G/U Splinters

February 10, 2012 10:51 p.m.

clamyd says... #4

I recommend Phantasmal Bear MTG Card: Phantasmal Bear he puts the heat on quick and then can fuel your gy if he gets shot down.

Wreath of GeistsMTG Card: Wreath of Geists can double your boneyard wurm or splinterfright. It also works well with Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker

I would drop the Acidic SlimeMTG Card: Acidic Slime in favor of Ambush ViperMTG Card: Ambush Viper It's faster and it will die too giving your / stuff +2. It's more of a trap as well.

I'm just trying to speed things up for the deck. I've noticed trying to get splinterfright or boneyard big is sloooooooow. I think you need early pressure for things to work. Young WolfMTG Card: Young Wolf + Hunger of the HowlpackMTG Card: Hunger of the Howlpack is pretty quick and nasty.

February 10, 2012 11:49 p.m.

clamyd says... #5

I forgot Typhoid RatsMTG Card: Typhoid Rats. I honestly think trading small creatures that have deathtouch Typhoid RatsMTG Card: Typhoid Rats / Ambush ViperMTG Card: Ambush Viper is more dependable than sitting there trying to mill yourself.

February 10, 2012 11:53 p.m.

HoboCake says... #6

I agree with clymyd in regards to running creatures to die/ trade off, however I think you need some self mill to speed up the process.

February 13, 2012 9:57 p.m.

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