In need of competitive deck.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 21, 2012, 5:57 p.m. by Wizidross

I want competitiveness at my LGS's FNM. There are a lot of good players there and I struggle to make a deck that competes in the meta.

This is what I have right now:

Just another Delver Deck (Suggestions Please!)

I am on a rather tight budget and can't really afford cards like Bonfire of the Damned and Snapcaster Mage , but I do have a rather large pool of commons and uncommons to choose from, as I share with friends.

I think myself somewhat competent in deckbuilding, but not great, and I don't understand the meta very well. Any tips about general deckbuilding for standard would be nice.

Help, Please!

Demarge says... #2

Right now there's really isn't any way to build a competitive deck that's cheap, if you're green you need some number of Thragtusk , if you're blue you need in most cases the full 4 of either Jace or Traft, white wants either Entreat/Angel of Serenity or Sublimes. And all mono color splashing a second color decks have been proven to be better than just mono color, meaning all competitive decks wants some shocklands.

Cheapest you might be able to get might be rakdos deck wins.

October 21, 2012 7:15 p.m.

Wizidross says... #3


Have you taken a look at the deck I posted?

October 21, 2012 7:23 p.m.

Roborapter says... #4

my friend built a pretty sweet red blue aggro deck with guttersnipe as the win con, it plays stuff like ash zealot, searing spear, and some blue spells like cyclonic rift, it was fairly cheap and pretty powerful

October 22, 2012 12:43 a.m.

zandl says... #5

@Demarge: You're just making a lot of generalizations. You could easily make a quick and dirty ramp deck or a fairly effective RDW for under $20. I made an Enchantment Control deck where the most expensive card was Jace, Memory Adept and it took Top 4 twice in two weeks.

And Jace, Memory Adept is $8 on a bad day.

October 22, 2012 12:47 a.m.

Demarge says... #6

he said a competitive deck and yes it was a generalization of the format's most competitive decks.

I did see the deck and playtested it, aside from the extremely rare hand of a turn 2 flipped delver with a hand of just counterspells when you're playing against an aggro deck that lacks Abrupt Decay or removal spells in general, it felt like your deck couldn't win against more competitive decks, you'd probably be better off jamming every cheap 1-2 drop red aggro creature you can find and add in a bunch of burn spells, delver lost most of it's power when standard rotated and if you really want to make it work you'll have to splash into red or white and with delver's curve rare shock lands would be a must.

October 22, 2012 1:19 a.m.

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