In need of outside suggestions
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 23, 2013, 2:49 a.m. by Trevorlb21
My deck, I'm going to do whatever it takes to gain Control, is something I have definitely put a lot of time and money into, but I fear that it might not be able to get me an FNM or other tournament win where I play. The metagame is just so competitive there, and all of the best players have ridiculously expensive decks that make mine just blend in. One guy has an all foil esper control deck worth like 2 grand or something. Another guy who plays where I do has about 50,000 dollards worth of cards (among them, 4 jace, the mind sculptor's, it's crazy!). Great aristocrat decks, control decks, populate decks, and etc. My deck has been great, and I have basically all the cards I could need/want/use, but I played another American control deck and lost 1-2 last FNM I went to. The guy I played has been playing longer and BARELY beat me, but I'm not certain that I can win against other good control decks with my deck. The only difference with my deck and other American controls is that all of those run Assemble the Legion , and I'm not sure I like that card for my deck. The only other card I was thinking I might want is Jace, Architect of Thought and maybe run two of those like most other control decks (though many others run 4 of them). I really like my deck though, and it's quite unique for control decks with me using boros reckoner and blasphemous act outside of the aristocrat deck. I love the combo though and they are both good cards anyway, though I definitely think supreme verdict is more necessary usually. My only other loss was 1-2 against an aristocrat deck, and that was equally close, but I'm just unsure of myself as a player i guess, but i'm also wondering if there is anything else I can do to make my deck better, and some of the other decks in my thread could use help too if any of you would like to help me, especially the my Mono-White weenie, yes that was intended deck and the they want to suck your blood deck, because those I've actually got almost all of the cards for. I'm planning on making I'm going to do whatever it takes to gain Control my main deck until October though when cards cycle out and then who knows what I'll do then, but I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to make my deck much better, because I sure do control matches well, but i'm nervous about playing other control decks when it feels like the winner is just whoever gets out AEtherling successfully first wins, or against super aggros where I lose before I have a chance to board wipe or anything.
Any suggestions? Thank you for any help you can give me.
Trevorlb21 says... #3
okay, thanks for the advice! I already know what are in most of the popular decks in my meta right now so it would be easy for me to build them on here (aristocrat, esper/american control, bant control/hexproof, jund and junk, and a billion decks that use voice of resurgence).
June 24, 2013 1:52 a.m.
Sounds like your meta is more flash then anything else. Foiling out a standard deck is, in my opinion, one of the worse decisions you can do economically speaking. Those cards just won't hold their value for long, if you foil out a deck then EDH, Legacy, and even Modern are better options. I have seen a few decks that you wouldn't count on to win a tourney, but have. Just do as the guy above me says and make note of what is being played and how often it's played.
The best suggestion I can give you is have confidence in your self and your deck and remember to have FUN. In the end it really just comes to luck of the draw in most cases especially the closer ones you mentioned, you probably would've won if you had just one more round am I right?
June 24, 2013 2:26 a.m.
Trevorlb21 says... #5
Ya I suppose you are right, and I still do make quite a few mistakes because I'm relatively new at the game still. Oh well though, but thank you for the advice. I was wondering though, what do you think is the best way to beat the aristocrat deck? "Burn" or Searing Spear or Pillar of Flame Blood Artist as soon as it's played? Keep "Turn" available for the Boros Reckoner and Blasphemous Act combo? Gain enough life to not need to worry about Lingering Souls doing enough damage?
Demarge says... #2
by the sound of it you're more worried about excess. My best suggestion for you would be to quickly make note of your meta, figure out which decks you'll likely be facing, then playtest like crazy against those decks to get a strong feel of how they work and what they might do to stop you enough to win.
Then you can figure out which decks are weak against you and which decks are strong against you, then adjust your deck to have a better matchup against a larger amount of the meta and setup as solid of a sideboard to take care of threats your deck is weak to, or to utilize special threats against certain important matchups that they can't easily deal with.
June 23, 2013 4:07 a.m.