Inconsistency in my deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 16, 2013, 11:39 p.m. by ecaspi12
So I just posted a deck called The Tokens of 'Murica. It's a Master of Waves American colors deck. The issue with it is that its having huge inconsistency issues. One game my Purphoros will resolve and I'll play a Waves and hit for usually lethal damage, and other times I'll get stuck with no blue mana and a pyromancer but not instants or sorcery. Please look at my deck and leave some feedback as to how to fix this problem
Slycne says... #2
The problem I think is that your deck is pulling you in two opposite directions, which is leading the inconsistent draws. Master of Waves gets fed by permanents and Young Pyromancer is fed by spells. So the deck is only working when you happen to draw one piece and then only draw the relevant half of the deck for that piece.
October 17, 2013 12:18 a.m.