Infect Decks
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 24, 2011, 11:48 a.m. by keneke01
I have recently heard that U/B infect decks work better than G/B ones. Can anyone explain or help me finish off my g/b-infectious-(please-comment) or should I scrap that deck and make a U/B one...What do you think?
Well, technicaly G/B is the staple infect deck, but U/B has been gaining as people get comfortable with it, but i'd still say that B/G is better. U is just support whereas B and G actually have infect.
March 24, 2011 12:16 p.m.
u/b has counters and draw, giving it a stronger mid to late game. also, ub has access to duel lands and Creeping Tar Pit (which actually gives game vs. planeswalkers).
wheres b/g if you dont win by turn 4-5 fizzles and falls apart to any kind of creature control.
March 24, 2011 12:47 p.m.
toastymcslugnugget says... #5
I have this same question.
I started by playing U/B and have done moderately but I'm interested in what B/G can do with infect.
I've already started my deck, but now having second thoughts as this discussion has arisen around tappedout.
No doubt having access to duel lands is very benefiting Creeping Tar Pit I had never even played in my U/B infect deck - those things just don't spark in my mind until someone mentions it. That's a fault of mine with Magic...
I do see the speed vs longevity as green and blue respectively and I will agree on this.
March 24, 2011 5:22 p.m.
TyranitarTom248 says... #6
I agree with Leafs on how Blue supports the Black and Green, which is just what the BLue in my B/U/G Infect! The link:
March 24, 2011 6:51 p.m.
yes but all the good infect creatures are either black or colorless so green really only brings pump which really is not that great...
noting like shameless self promotion, it helps if you bracket bug-infect-13 to make a hyperlink like so deck:bug-infect-13 and while im at it heres a U/B deck im working on deck:infectiryx
March 24, 2011 7:21 p.m.
cnielsen05 says... #8
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the staple card behind U/B infect -- Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas . That card is the reason you should play infect U/B if you plan on doing it competitively. If its just an FNM type thing, B/G gives access to some really fun quick pump builds, but currently U/B Tezzeret Infect is performing quite well in the high level meta game.
Another major factor behind U/B exceeding B/G is the fact that U/B has access to plenty of dual lands in standard right now (Darkslick Shores , Creeping Tar Pit , Drowned Catacomb , and even the budget friendly Jwar Isle Refuge ) whereas B/G only gets Verdant Catacombs and it can't help you play both a Phyrexian Crusader and a Putrefax .
March 24, 2011 7:55 p.m.
running one tezz doesnt make it a staple if you're referign to Brian Kibler's list which is still unproven as far as tournament results go.
b/g inconsistencies is what makes u/b the better option
March 24, 2011 8:08 p.m.
I was designing my Profect deck to use Tezz with infect artifact but I just didn't like how it played.
B/G infect definately works better with speed, where U/B is better with control and late game as said above.
U/B is more reliable, although I LOVE Rot Wolf .
March 24, 2011 11:52 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... #11
It's dual land, btw. And anyway, more specifically Creeping Tar Pit is a MAN land because it becomes a dude.
Best infect is U/B. Just run U/B control with Tainted Strike s and Phyresis thrown in and it will work wonders
March 25, 2011 5:01 a.m.
toastymcslugnugget says... #12
I'm sorry for not properly punctuating the sentence with Creeping Tar Pit , which I'm aware is a MAN land. There are pain lands, fetch lands, man lands, dual lands, etc.
And my misuse of dual/duel was just slip of the mind. Dual is 2, duel is 'to vs in battle' or whatever.
Back on topic. Where does white/artifact stand through all this? I'd say near U/B, as white offers some control aspects and creature care.
March 25, 2011 11:29 a.m.
there is always that guy...Phyresis is horrible and Tainted Strike is pretty bad aswell(unless you're into two for one'ing yourself)
ot-if you are talking about the Tempered Steel versions i'd agree with you but that it faces consistency problems too.
March 25, 2011 11:59 a.m.
Wow interesting stuff...i see that this is a bit of a controversy as there are definitely multiple sides to this argument...keep it coming!
Thanks for the help I am in the process of building a U/B to check out the viability of the deck...I have also been kicking around an idea for just B infect. What's the story with that?
keneke01 says... #2
hmm...didn't link I'll try again
I see what I did wrong
March 24, 2011 11:50 a.m.