innistrad block constructed..need ideas for my deck this
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 14, 2012, 12:36 p.m. by Fro780
For FNM this week my area shop is having innistrad block constructed, i have most of the cards but not all of them, please help mewith some ideas for my deck!! Of course there is always alot of white, zombies and werewolfs i will b going up against.
I dont know yet i just threw together a mono blue mill deck that seems to b fun, but i doubt it will hold off a creature heavy deck long enough.. any ideas? I open to any themes
April 15, 2012 11:36 a.m.
Minousmancer says... #4
Post the deck then link it here, if you don't know how to link decks(If you do sorry for adding this).
You take the URL: Take the unique code from it: tezzmiyo-the-necromachinist-1 then put two "[" brackets on either end like this [tezzmiyo-the-necromachinist-1] but instead of one on either side put two and you'll get this deck:tezzmiyo-the-necromachinist-1
That way we can look at your deck, ask questions, give advice, see the direction you are going and give you our insight.
April 15, 2012 3:59 p.m.
no cards left? awww ok here it is.. let me know what you think
April 15, 2012 4:22 p.m.
Delver/Tokens, Wolves, Vampires, Self-Mill, Human Tokens, UW Control...
These decks dominate ISD block, especially Delver/Token decks - if you're playing with the bans on Lingering Souls and Intangible Virtue play vamps or wolves.
April 16, 2012 3:52 a.m.
Yes I know they dominate and thats why I want to run something different. Im more of a how much can i screw with your deck kind of guy then actually winning FNM. If i wanted to win I can, but more or less im trying to find new themes that will work. I added a sideboard in no cards left? awww please check itout and +1. I still want some help with this deck, not suggestions to change the theme. Thanks guys
xo2 says... #2
Which deck do u plan on playing?
April 14, 2012 12:41 p.m.