Intrested in playtests?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 9:15 p.m. by TheGamer
I could use some help on my deck:
Four Color Control? In Standard? That Works? Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 2 COMMENTS | 149 VIEWSIt is playtesting great at home but I could use some help here form the tappedout community.
Give me your deck list and I want to playtest it! Feel free to playtest against my deck as well and give me the results.
As a side note, I will not be side boarding for you or for me.
Good luck guys and happy deckbuilding!
Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable Playtest
SCORE: 14 | 23 COMMENTS | 1857 VIEWSHave fun!
February 2, 2014 9:20 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #4
February 2, 2014 9:32 p.m.
February 2, 2014 9:38 p.m.
For Fun
Elite Taactics Playtest
SCORE: 121 | 9 COMMENTS | 11703 VIEWSSerious
W/B Humans Aggro Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 4 COMMENTS | 104 VIEWSlet me know how each of them go.
February 2, 2014 9:50 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #7
I would be interested to see how my Perfection of Milling 2.0 stands up against it. It is a budget deck and still in development so I'm not sure how it'll work. I'll try to playtest your deck in the next day or two (probably Tuesday, only one class :D). Let me know how it goes!
February 2, 2014 10:58 p.m.
@InconspicuousPotato its super fun to play buuut not everybody likes playing against it :p
February 3, 2014 12:03 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #11
[Incoming wall of text from my playtest]
[Tested against my mono blue varient, Bad Cards Win Games - Mono Blue Varient
[G] wins toss, plays-
G mulls to 5, keeping Rakdos's return, watery grave, pain seer, D sphere, and temple of triumph
B keeps hand of island, island, rapid hybridization, frostburn weird, claustrophobia, jace, and master of waves
G plays temple of triumph, scry, keeps watery grave on top
B draws Thassa, plays island
G draws and plays watery grave untapped (18), plays pain seer
B draws frostburn weird, plays island and frostburn weird.
G draws Blood crypt, plays tapped
B draws island, plays island and thassa
G draws Blood baron, plays Watery grave tapped, then plays D sphere targeting Thassa
B draws cyclonic rift, plays frostburn weird
G draws Hero's downfall
B draws island, plays island and master of waves. G plays hero's downfall targeting Master of waves.
G draws and plays Jace, using the -2 ability. Reveals stormbreath, sphinx's rev, and steam vents. Sphinx's rev and steam vents go into a pile and are picked. Plays steam vents tapped.
B draws and plays island, then plays Jace, using the -2. revealing master of waves, nullify, and island. The former 2 are placed into a pile and sent to the bottom. Then, Targeting Jace, swings with both frostburn weirds. no blocks, jace dies.
G draws Temple of silence, plays, scry. detention sphere is kept on top. Taps out for Blood baron. Attacks are declared, Pain seer at Jace. No blocks, ace dies. Rapid hybridization is played targeting Blood baron at EoT.
B draws tidebinder mage. taps 2, plays tidebinder targeting frog lizard. taps remaining three to play claustrophobia targeting pain seer. Attacks, G takes 2 (16)
G draws and plays detention sphere, targeting frostburn weird.
B draws and plays island. taps 4 for Master of waves, gets 5 tokens. Attacks, tidebinder for 2 (14).
G draws temple of triumph, plays and scrys hero's downfall to the top.
B draws Jace, plays and activates -2, revealing island, island, and bident of thassa. Bident goes into its own pile and is taken. Attacks, tidebinder mage, master of waves, and 5 tokens. before damage, G plays sphinx's revelation for 3 (3) drawing hero's downfall, supreme veridic, and watery grave.
G draws hallowed fountain, plays tapped. Taps 4 for supreme verdict, which is responded to by sadness. G then plays hero's downfall targeting Jace. more sadness.
B draws dissolve
G draws and plays temple of malice, scrys hero's downfall to the top. Then taps 5 for rakdos's return. B responds by playing dissolve, Scrys claustrophobia to the bottom off of dissolve.
B draws island, plays it
G draws hero's downfall, plays watery grave tapped. EoT, B overloads cyclonic rift, getting 2 frostburn weirds and a thassa back.
B scrys island, puts on bottom, then draws thassa. Taps 4 for bident of thassa, attacks with thassa, frostburn weirds for 7. G plays hero's downfall targeting a weird, and B pumps the other weird for 3 making it a 4/1 and dealing 9 damage for the win.
G2, no sideboards.
G keeps hand with steam vents, magma jet, blood crypt, hallowed fountain, hero's downfall, ace, and temple of triumph.
B mulls to 6 and keeps island, island, cloudfin raptor, judge's familiar, dissolve, cyclonic rift.
G plays temple of triumph, scrys fated retribution to the bottom.
B draws Jace, plays island cloudfin raptor.
G draws and plays temple of deceit, scrys detention sphere to the top.
B draws island, plays it and judge's familiar. Attacks with a 1/2 cloudfin raptor G(19)
G draws detention sphere, plays hallowed fountain tapped.
B draws island, plays island and attacks. G plays Magma jet, targeting the cloudfin raptor. Judge's familiar is sacrificed to counter, G takes 1(18), scrys temple of silence and thoughtseize. temple to bottom, thoughtseize to top.
G draws thoughtseize, plays blood crypt tapped and thoughtseize. B plays dissolve and scrys thassa to the top.
B draws thassa, plays island and thassa, attacks for 1 (17).
G draws and plays steam vents tapped, plays Jace using -2, revealing elspeth, hero's downfall, and steam vents. elspeth goes into her own pile, and is kept.
B scrys and draws master of waves, whichh is then played netting 3 tokens. Attacks jace with a 2/3 cloudfin raptor, and G with thassa (12) jace dies.
G draws elspeth, plays steam vents untapped (10), then plays hero's downfall on master of waves and detention sphere on thassa.
B draws cloudfin raptor, plays Jace using the -2. reveals thassa, tidebinder, island. thassa is put into her own pile, and is chosen. Attacks for 2 (8)
G draws and plays tapped watery grave, then taps out for elspeth and gets 3 soldier tokens.
B draws judge's familiar, plays cloudfin raptor and thassa, getting no evolve triggers. Jace +1, attack for 2 in the air (6)
G draws watery grave, plays tapped, then makes 3 more guys.
B scrys and draws master of waves. Jace +1, then swinging in with an unblockable thassa and cloudfin raptor for the win.
Sorry that this is formatted horribly. Had a lot going on between playing the two decks and trying to type out everything.
I feel that the deck has potential to be very good. I haven't checked out the sideboard yet, but I think that you should definitely have somethings for the mono blue match up, because it's definitely going to continue being a thing with BoTG. The deck plays very well, and I do like it. the mana is shockingly reliable (pun intended) everything seems straight forward. The amount of scry you get with the three temples and magma jet really has potential to help a tonne. Just watch out for the super aggressive decks that can come back from a verdict.
Overall, i'd give it a 8/10. Nice job! Sorry if I played it horribly!
February 3, 2014 12:04 a.m.
Wow! Thanks for all the deckentries! I forgot to mention that only standard decks will be used. Thanks for the breakdown of the match ThatBlueMage, it was in great detail and I enjoyed reading it! Don't worry, you played it how I would have played it.
February 3, 2014 7:45 a.m.
Alright guys, first I played Schuesseled with his deck Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg. I won 2-1.
Frankly I don't have the time to go step by step with each turn but I will give a quick overview.
Game 1: S keeps a solid hand and G does the same. I didn't have enough removal to get rid of 3 Polukronos and 2 Stormbreath
Game 2: S mulligans to 6 and G keeps 7. He has about 5 creatures out and turn 4 I supreme verdict. S runs out of gas and Stormbreath wins me the game.
Game 3: S and G both keep a solid 7. G thought seized a Domri and had 2 downfalls for two boon satyrs. He brings out a burning tree which can't match a blood Baron.
Overall, I give your deck a 10/10! With sideboard, it was an easy win for you.
February 3, 2014 8:12 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #14
Thanks, Your deck seems powerful. I'll keep an eye on these playtests.
February 3, 2014 8:16 a.m.
Alright guys, next we dueled raithe000 and his deck Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable. I won 2-0
Game 1 I Thoughtseize d away his Pain Seer and played Hero's Downfall on his Duskmantle Seer . With 5 cards that are meant to trigger Pain Seer in hand, I win with a Stormbreath Dragon .
Game 2 was a complete stalemate. I end up with nothing but lands in hand and he has no hand after I Rakdos's Return for enough. We were both drawing unnecessary cards until I scryed an AEtherling .
The deck seems very fun to play and since it obviously isn't built for FNM competitivity, i will give it a 10/10 for great synergy, great idea, and lots of fun!
I forgot to mention that every deck that participates will get a +1 once I duel it and I will duel all decks eventually!
February 3, 2014 4:09 p.m.
Banter then you! = B VS. Four Color Control? In Standard? That Works? = C
Game one!!!!
C is on the play and keeps a hand off Magma Jet Temple of Silence Thoughtseize Jace, AOT Watery Grave Temple of Deceit Hero's Downfall Seems good lets go.
B Keeps a hand off Detention Sphere Sylvan Caryatid 2x Advent of the Wurm Temple Garden Forest Island
As the game went on you got 2 Jace's 2 elspeth a Phoenix and a Stormbreath Dragon as well as a solid mixture 6 lands and you just ran me over. I almost had you but you top decked a 'speth and it gave you just the chump blocks you needed to finish me off.
1- C 0-B
Game Two!!!
B Is on the play and keeps a hand of: Brimaz, King of Orsenkos Detention Sphere Loxodon Smiter AEtherling Forest Breeding Pool Temple Garden
C Has Temple of Silence AEtherling Far / Away Pain Seer Fated Retribution Blood Crypt Steam Vents Eh it's good not great.
Bant was just too fast in this round. Fleecemane Lion followed by Loxodon Smiter followed by Brimaz, King of Orsenkos followed by Detention Sphere is quite good.
All C cast all game was a Pain Seer which did nothing but chump a Smiter and Away which killed cat solider from Brimaz. I would suggest dropping Pain Seer as he never gets sideways and when he does he just will end up hitting an 'Speth and draining your for 6.
Score 1-1.
Game 3!!!!!
This game was less interesting. Early game we were exchanging removal and threats. Then turn 8 I dropped an AEtherling and road that to victory.
Thanks for the chance to play test. See ya!!!!
February 3, 2014 5:18 p.m.
Thanks for the playtest! I am actually hoping to bring it to FNM, but my meta was much more aggro and midrange before BNG, so it's tuned more towards that. There are a number of cards that would be brought in against control, so I still have some hope. :)
February 3, 2014 6:26 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #21
Devotionally unstable tell me if it even stood a chance.
February 3, 2014 7:27 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #22
and sorry i ment tell me if my deck even stood a chance against yours
February 3, 2014 7:28 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #23
tell me if mine even stood a chance against yours. sorry that came out wrong.
February 3, 2014 7:29 p.m.
Oh, sorry raithe000, I didn't know you were planning not taking it to FNM.
Its cool TrystonSpencer, I knew what you meant.
I will be putting up one more playtest tonight and do about 3 every day to get everyone done.
February 3, 2014 8:34 p.m.
Alright guys, next we dueled InconspicuousPotato and his deck Who Says Simic isn't Good?. I won 2-1
Game 1 I won with Blood Baron of Vizkopa and me countering all his threats.
Game 2 I was brutally beaten by 3 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix (Progenitor Mimic ).
Game 3 I won with an AEtherling . I had lots of removal that game.
I love the design of this deck and give it a 9/10. I don't see a purpose for Axebane Guardian and don't think it's worth it.
February 3, 2014 9:15 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #26
Thanks for the playtest! A lot of people have been telling me to remove Axebane Guardian and I think I'll finally give in.
February 3, 2014 9:27 p.m.
Next up was Lord007 and his deck Elite Taactics . I won 2-0
Game 1 was a no green game for Lord as he couldn't play the Zhur-Taa Druid or any other cards. Blood Baron wins me the game.
Game 2 was him getting no win con. Flame-Wreathed Phoenix got stalled a few times when returned back to my hand, but it wasn't killed.
For the deck, there is certainly a lot of creativity but I see no win con. Your deck I rank as a 6/10.
February 4, 2014 8:07 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #28
The win-con of the elite taactics deck is death by infinite combo, being Triton Tactics put onto Elite Arcanist and activated forever via Zhur-Taa Druid for infinite damage.
I would love to test out my new build, Grixis Tempo [Experimental] against this, and any other deck. I may give it a go later on today, but for anyone else that wants to test it, it's there.
February 4, 2014 8:34 a.m.
My next opponent was Kismet and his deck Oreskos' Legion. He won 2-1
Game 1 he won with 2 Oreskos Sun Guide and me getting mana screwed.
Game 2 I won with a Stormbreath Dragon and Flame-Wreathed Phoenix on board after getting rid of all his threats.
Game 3 I was one mana away form playing Fated Retribution and I was staring at 5 2/2 soldier tokens and Elspeth.
The deck I give a 9/10. Very functional and creamed me!
February 4, 2014 5:09 p.m.
TheGamer Thanks for playing my combo deck even if you never saw it. My actual deck uses shocks to avoid that. I'm going to do my own playtest if you don't mind and I was actually more interested in the
W/B Humans Aggro Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 4 COMMENTS | 108 VIEWSplaytest.
February 4, 2014 6:38 p.m.
Also, my combo deck is pre-boarded against aggro so the matchup would be very different against control. Just have to throw out some defense of my deck.
February 4, 2014 6:41 p.m.
In my combo deck playtests:
G1 you got seriously mana screwed, stuck on 3 mana to T10, had 3 different bombs in your hand and could play none of them. I combed out the win (Elite Arcanist + Triton Tactics + Zhur-Taa Druid )
G2 you managed to get all your land drops you need to drop a double Blood Baron of Vizkopa followed by an AEtherling and won pretty quickly. I also had no green mana and a very sub-par draw.
G3 You managed to keep the board mostly clear and a Sphinx's Revelation refilled your hand and life and basically let you win. I also didn't pull my combo but had decent draws except for a mana flood at the end.
All in all I'd rate your deck a 8/10. You seem to have too many win-cons, not enough lands and I don't see what value Pain Seer adds along with you don't have many real permission spells and not enough kill spells to deal with aggro (at least that is my take)
February 4, 2014 7:23 p.m.
Alright Lord007, Ill take that advice into account. That playtest was next so I was getting to it. I think 26 lands is enough. Pain Seer allows draw power greatly needed and if I lose too much life Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Sphinx's Revelation will fix that. Thanks for the playtest though.
February 4, 2014 7:45 p.m.
lord_of_the_snakes says... #34
February 4, 2014 8:15 p.m.
My next opponent was ducttapedeckbox and his deck Perfection of Milling 2.0. I won 2-0
Game 1 I won after a repeated beatdown from Stormbreath Dragon . He got very close as well with only 10 cards left.
Game 2 I won after a huge mana screw from my opponent. He had removal and got rid of creatures quick. I eventually ultimated Jace and got my Stormbreath Dragon accompanied by 2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa .
I like the deck, 8/10. It mills fast and has great removal spells. I love Colossus of Akros in this deck as I ran it too.
February 4, 2014 8:38 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #36
@ TheGamer -- Thank you for the playtesting! while my deck lost, I'm glad to hear that it did put up some form of a fight. I think the obvious weakness to Stormbreath Dragon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa warrants the addition of Hover Barrier .
In the second game, what do you mean by the mana screw? Was my deck mana screwed or did the mill mess yours up?
February 4, 2014 9:05 p.m.
Oh, sorry I wasn't clear on that ducttapedeckbox, you were mana screwed with 4 lands out. You had 2 Axebane Guardian and 1 Sylvan Caryatid in hand with no green sources
February 4, 2014 9:20 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #38
Ahh thank you for the clarification. I'll definitely be adding the Guildgates once I get a more finalized list. That's funny though, I usually end up with too many green sources despite not needing more than one or two.
February 4, 2014 9:22 p.m.
My next opponent was Lord007 and his deck W/B Human Aggro. He beats me 2-0
Game 1 I pulled off a turn 5 Blood Baron of Vizkopa but that didn't cut it with him having a Brave the Elements in hand.
Game 2 was almost the same exact scenario except the problem was just my turn 5 blood Baron couldn't gain me enough life fast enough with an overwhelming army coming at me.
The deck I give a 10/10. Great synergy and it dominated me!
February 5, 2014 7:59 a.m.
harrydemon117 says... #40
I've got 2 for you to try against....a midrange and a control deck:
Control =
Rock, Paper, Grixis!! Playtest
SCORE: 30 | 0 COMMENTS | 4902 VIEWSMidrange =
Hexproof Clones (BUG) Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 41 VIEWSThe control deck is my primary deck against the field now, but the midrange is a new project in the making
February 5, 2014 9:48 a.m.
My next opponent was against TrystonSpencer and his deck Devotionally unstable . I won 2-0.
Game 1 I beat him down with a Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Stormbreath Dragon tag team.
Game 2 was probably the closest game I have ever played in a long time. Our graveyards both had 10 cards in them full of kill spells and creatures. Spencer had 2 Gray Merchant of Asphodel under a D-Sphere and I merchant in graveyard. I lost about 12-15 life total from those abominations! He had Underworld Connections out and drew a lot of cards. Pack Rat and Nightveil Specter were played on the same turn. I drew a Fated Retribution and passed. He discarded 3 swamps to pack rat as I wiped the board right after. I get him to 2 with Soldier tokens, mutavault, and pain seer. He topdecks Abhorrent Overlord for 5. He has nast harpys and I supreme verdict, getting there with a Mutavault in the end.
If you get some of the essential cards required for mono balck, it will be great. I rate the deck a 9/10. To answer your question, you stood a chance ;)
February 5, 2014 6 p.m.
If you still have time, please check out my Xenagos & Domri Party- Advice WelcomedI know it's a bit raggedy on consistency; I still need to pour about $50 into it, but I'll wait and see what comes in my BNG stuff first.
February 5, 2014 7:04 p.m.
Alright Korombos, I will playtest it and give it advice. But like I said, im goin in order.
February 5, 2014 7:17 p.m.
I ran a test, I see how it can be very time-consuming to document. It went 10-turns. My deck never quite found its feet, and its tenuous attempts kept getting shot down. Blood Baron helped you stabilize after early damage. A few board-wipes later and you finished with Elspeth's soldiers and a Stormbreath.
Gamer rolls 2/6, Koro rolls 6/6, Koro Plays First Gamer Keeps opening hand: Hallowed Fountain, Watery Grave, Temple of Malice, Steam Vents, Thoughtseize, Magma Jet, Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Koro mulls to 6: Nykthos, Mountain, Forest, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Elvish Mystic, Sylvan Caryatid.
Koro 20 life, Gamer 20 life Turn 1, Koro: No Draw; Play Forest, Cast Elvish MysticTurn 1, Gamer: Draw Hero's Downfall, Play Watery Grave Untapped (2dmg), Cast Thoughseize (2dmg), Koro discards Sylvan Caryatid
Koro 20 life, Gamer 16 life Turn 2, Koro: Draw Elvish Mysic, Play Nykthos, Cast Elvish Mystic, Attack with one Elvish Mysic (1 dmg)Turn 2, Gamer: Draw Dissolve, Play Temple of Malice, Scry Temple of Triumph: bottom of library
Koro 20 life, Gamer 15 life Turn 3, Koro: Draw Sylvan Caryatid, Play Mountain, Attack with one elvish mysic (1 dmg.), cast Ghor-Clan RampagerTurn 3, Gamer: Draw Steam Vents, Play Stem Vents untapped (2 dmg.)
Koro 20 life, Gamer 12 life Turn 4 Koro: Draw Mountain, Play Mountain, Attack with two Elvish Mystics and one Ghor-Clan. Gamer Casts Hero's Dounfall on Ghor-Clan. (2 dmg.)Koro casts Sylvan CaryatidTurn 4 Gamer: Draw Hallowed Fountain, Play Hallowed Fountain untapped (2 dmg.) Cast Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Koro 20 life, Gamer 8 life Turn 5 Koro: Draw Burning-Tree Emissary, Cast BTETurn 5 Gamer: Draw Watery Grave, Play Watery Grave tapped, Attack with Blood Baron (unblocked, 4 dmg, 4 life)
Koro 16 life, Gamer 12 lifeTurn 6 Koro: Draw Armed/Dangerous, Cast Armed on BTE, Gamer Casts Magma Jet on BTE, BTE dies, Armed fizzles Gamer scries Elspeth (top) & Temple of Triumph (bottom). Koro attacks with 2 Elvish mystics (2 dmg) Turn 6 Gamer: Draw Elspeth, Play hallowed fountain untapped (2 dmg.), Attack with Blood Baron, unblocked, (4 dmg., 4 life), Cast Elspeth +1, get three soldier tokens
Koro 12 life, Gamer 12 lifeTurn 7 Koro: Draw Mizzium Mortars, cast overloaded Mizzium Mortars, BBV dies, soldier tokens die, attack with two elvish mystics (2 dmg.) Turn 7 Gamer: Draw Temple of Triumph, play temple of triumph, scry supreme verdict (top), Elspeth +1 for three soldier tokens
Koro 12 life, Gamer 10 life Turn 8 Koro: Draw BTE, cast BTETurn 8 Gamer: Draw supreme Verdict, play stem vents tapped, attack with three soldier tokens, two are blocked (1 dmg), cast supreme verdict, Elspeth +1
Koro 11 life, Gamer 10 life Turn 9 Koro: Draw Xenagos the Reveler, Cast Xenagos the Reveler, Gamer Casts Dissolve, scry Stormbreath (top)Turn 9 Gamer: Draw Stormbreath, cast stormbreath, attack with stormbreath and three soldies (7 dmg.), Elspeth +1 for three more soldier tokens
Koro 4 life, Gamer 10 life Turn 10 Koro: Draw Temple of Abandon, concede
February 5, 2014 8:06 p.m.
TrystonSpencer says... #46
February 6, 2014 12:26 p.m.
I played against your deck with
Head Trauma Playtest
SCORE: 4 | 9 COMMENTS | 736 VIEWS, and won 2-1. I got mana screwed game 1 and you overran me with creatures. Game 2 you were entirely screwed over by colors and I fired off a Traumatize + Duskmantle Guildmage before you could recover. Game 3 was rather close, but in the end I ramped into my combo before you could stop it. This is, of course, discounting the possibility that I played something very very wrong. Which is even likely, given my none-too-stellar piloting skills. I also got incredibly lucky pulls from Jace, Architect of Thought twice.
G: Keeps hand of Magma Jet , Detention Sphere , Steam Vents , Hero's Downfall , Dissolve , and Temple of Triumph .
D: Keeps hand of Duskmantle Guildmage , Diabolic Tutor , Hover Barrier , Diabolic Tutor , Thoughtseize , Breeding Pool .
D rolls higher and plays first.
Turn 1 D: Plays Breeding Pool tapped and passes.
Turn 1 G: Draws Mutavault . Puts out a Temple of Triumph and scries a Stormbreath Dragon , which he keeps on top.
Turn 2 D: Draws a Duskmantle Guildmage . Plays Island and passes.
Turn 2 G: Draws Stormbreath Dragon . Plays Mutavault and plays Magma Jet on D (D: 18, G: 20), scrying Stormbreath Dragon and a Pain Seer . Both go on the bottom. (We need lands).
Turn 3 D: Draws a Duskmantle Guildmage . Mutters expletives and passes.
Turn 3 G: Draws Rakdos's Return . Plays Steam Vents tapped and turns Mutavault into a creature and attacks (D:16, G:20). Passes.
Turn 4 D: Draws Axebane Guardian . Discards a Duskmantle Guildmage and passes.
Turn 4 G: Draws a Far / Away . Turns Mutavault into a creature and attacks (D:14, G:20).
Turn 5 D: Draws Island . Plays Axebane Guardian .
Turn 5 G: Draws Blood Crypt . Plays it in tapped and plays Detention Sphere , targeting Axebane Guardian .
Turn 6 D: Draws Axebane Guardian . Plays Hover Barrier and passes.
Turn 6 G: Draws Temple of Malice . Plays it, scries into Hero's Downfall . Keeps. Plays Far / Away , choosing Away. Ds Hover Barrier is gone. Passes.
Turn 7 D: Draws Hover Barrier . Plays it and passes.
Turn 7 G: Draws Hero's Downfall . Plays a Blood Baron of Vizkopa and passes.
Turn 8 D: Draws Hover Barrier . Plays Axebane Guardian and passes.
Turn 8 G: Draws Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Plays it, attacks with the other Blood Baron into Hover Barrier . (D: 14, G: 24)
Turn 9 D: Draws Swamp . Plays it. Plays Hover Barrier with lands. Plays Thoughtseize . (D: 12, G: 24). Takes a Hero's Downfall . Passes.
Turn 9 G: Draws Temple of Silence . Plays it, scries Supreme Verdict . Puts it on the bottom. Plays Stormbreath Dragon . D scoops.
Game 2:
D plays first. He keeps a hand of Sylvan Caryatid , Thoughtseize , Overgrown Tomb , Watery Grave , Axebane Guardian , Duskmantle Guildmage , and Jace, Architect of Thought .
G keeps a hand of Jace, Architect of Thought , Temple of Triumph , Hero's Downfall , Steam Vents , Stormbreath Dragon , Mutavault , and Magma Jet .
Turn 1 D: Plays Overgrown Tomb in tapped. Passes.
Turn 1 G: Draws Temple of Triumph . Plays it and scries Stormbreath Dragon , which goes on the bottom for now. Passes.
Turn 2 D: Draws Overgrown Tomb . Pays 2 for Watery Grave to come in untapped (D: 18, G: 20) and plays Sylvan Caryatid .
Turn 2 G: Draws Temple of Triumph . Plays it, scries Far / Away . No black mana, it goes to the bottom. Passes.
Turn 3 D: Draws Duskmantle Guildmage . Plays Overgrown Tomb in tapped, plays Duskmantle Guildmage . Taps Sylvan Caryatid for Thoughtseize (D: 16, G: 20). Takes Magma Jet .
Turn 3 G: Draws Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Plays a Temple of Triumph , scries Stormbreath Dragon which goes on the bottom.
Turn 4 D: Draws Duskmantle Guildmage . Plays Jace, Architect of Thought . Uses his -2, revealing a Swamp and two Island . G seperates them into Swamp and Island , Island . D takes the latter pile, plays an Island and passes.
Turn 4 G: Draws Dissolve . Plays Steam Vents in tapped and passes.
Turn 5 D: Draws Island . Plays it, +1 on Jace, Architect of Thought . Plays Axebane Guardian . Passes.
Turn 5 G: Draws Steam Vents . Pays 2 for it to come in untapped (D: 16, G: 18). Plays his own Jace, Architect of Thought . Uses the -2 to reveal Fated Retribution , Thoughtseize , and Supreme Verdict . D seperates it into Thoughtseize , Fated Retribution , and Supreme Verdict on its own. G grabs the pile of one and passes.
Turn 6 D: Draws Forest . Uses Jace, Architect of Thought s -2. Reveals Hero's Downfall , Traumatize , Hover Barrier . G seperates it into Hero's Downfall , Hover Barrier and Traumatize on its own. G takes Traumatize . Uses Duskmantle Guildmage s first ability and Traumatize for the win.
Game 3:
G plays first. Keeps a hand of Watery Grave , Flame-Wreathed Phoenix , Watery Grave , Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Watery Grave , Hero's Downfall , Temple of Triumph .
D keeps a hand of Jace, Architect of Thought , Hover Barrier , Gatecreeper Vine , Sylvan Caryatid , Overgrown Tomb , Sylvan Caryatid , and Swamp .
Turn 1 G: Plays Temple of Triumph , scrying into another Temple of Triumph . Keeps it on top.
Turn 1 D: Draws Jace, Memory Adept . Plays Overgrown Tomb in tapped.
Turn 2 G: Draws Temple of Triumph , scrying into Stormbreath Dragon which stays on top.
Turn 2 D: Draws Duskmantle Guildmage . Plays Swamp and taps out into Sylvan Caryatid .
Turn 3 G: Draws into Stormbreath Dragon and plays a Watery Grave tapped.
Turn 3 D: Draws Axebane Guardian . Plays Gatecreeper Vine , fetching an Island and playing it. Plays a Sylvan Caryatid .
Turn 4 G: Draws Steam Vents . Pays 2 to play Watery Grave in untapped (G: 18, D: 20), and plays a Flame-Wreathed Phoenix . D pays the tribute.
Turn 4 D: Draws a Swamp . Plays it, then taps out for Hover Barrier and Axebane Guardian .
Turn 5 G: Draws Temple of Silence . Pays two for Steam Vents to come in untapped (G:16, D: 20), and plays a Blood Baron of Vizkopa .
Turn 5 D: Draws Overgrown Tomb . Puts it in tapped. Plays Jace, Memory Adept . Plays Duskmantle Guildmage . Activates Duskmantle Guildmage s first ability, then activates Jaces 0. G mills ten and takes ten damage (G: 6, D: 20).
Turn 6 G: Draws Hallowed Fountain . Plays Temple of Silence , scrying Hallowed Fountain and putting it on the bottom. Plays Hero's Downfall on Duskmantle Guildmage , and attacks Jace, Memory Adept with Flame-Wreathed Phoenix and Blood Baron of Vizkopa . The phoenix meets Hover Barrier and Gatecreeper Vine dies to Blood Baron (G: 10, D: 20).
Turn 6 D: Draws Thoughtseize . Uses Jace, Memory Adept s +1 to draw. Draws Traumatize . Plays Jace, Architect of Thought , destroying Jace, Memory Adept and using the new Jaces -2, revealing Duskmantle Guildmage , Gatecreeper Vine , and Island . G seperates the piles into Duskmantle Guildmage alone and Gatecreeper Vine with Island . D takes the Guildmage. D plays Thoughtseize (G: 10, D: 18), taking Stormbreath Dragon .
Turn 7 G: Draws Stormbreath Dragon , and plays it. Plays a Hallowed Fountain in tapped. Attacks with Stormbreath Dragon and Flame-Wreathed Phoenix on Jace, Architect of Thought , killing it. Hover Barrier blocks Blood Baron of Vizkopa (G: 14, D: 18).
Turn 7 D: Draws Hover Barrier . Plays Duskmantle Guildmage , activates his first ability. Plays Traumatize for game.
February 6, 2014 3:34 p.m.
Blue-Black Standard Flexible Deck
I tested it and the above deck won, though it could be because I'm not too controlly while playing with yours. Both decks are decently slow which led to an ok matchup.
February 6, 2014 5:45 p.m.
Thank you TheGamer It is very much appreciated!! ooch a stormbreath is the death of me hahaha. Dat pro white.
February 6, 2014 6:32 p.m.
My next opponent was bantam1234 and his deck Izzet, the new way to answer in jeopardy. I won 2-0
1st game was very stalled after I killed all his stuff and he countered all of mine. I finally pull off a Sphinx's Revelation for 8 and have answers like Stormbreath Dragon .
2nd game was almost the same situation, except was always in my favor. I knew he had a Dissolve in hand after seeing it with Steam Augury . He tapped out and I played a Stormbreath Dragon and monstrous him all in the same turn.
I like the deck. I rank it a 6/10. There are some cards in there that there should be more of (like Magma Jet and Steam Augury ) and cards you shouldn't play at all (like Homing Lightning and Thoughtflare ). I gave it a +1 and good luck with the deck!
For everyone in general, im sorry I haven't done any playtest for a while and I know you are interested in seeing them. Other things caught up to me. I will be doing more soon! Thanks for understanding and Happy deckbuilding!
Schuesseled says... #2
Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg Playtest
Standard Schuesseled
SCORE: 58 | 33 COMMENTS | 11013 VIEWSFebruary 2, 2014 9:19 p.m.