Invisible Stalker deck idea... needs help...
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 3, 2011, 1:51 p.m. by hicksma88
Ok, do you think that a deck can be built around Invisible Stalker ? Well I am trying to build one around him by attaching equipment and milling my opponent.
Let me know what you think. It looks pretty weak right now but I'm sure you will all have ideas to make it stronger.
Here is my deck Invisible Damage.
I have a friend who plays a self mill where he runs almost all instants/sorceries and equips Invisible Stalker with a card:Runechanter's Pike. It's pretty beastly.
November 3, 2011 2:48 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
deck:seven-swordsmen is an Invis-Stalker deck, although it also uses Geist of Saint Traft . It's certainly got potential as the basis for a deck, but it comes down to how you approach it and how you can handle the situations that would counteract your strategy. (I.e. An opponent is playing RDW. How do you stop Slagstorm from annihilating Stalker?)
November 3, 2011 3:16 p.m.
im doin an Invisible Stalker deck too. currently in using 0-1 converted mana cost equipments to suit up stalker,eg Silver-Inlaid Dagger , card:Accorder's Shield. with the help of Trinket Mage i can search for equipments i need. im about to add Puresteel Paladin and some more low cost equipments. im thinking of adding ramp, but i dont know how :0
November 23, 2011 1:28 a.m.
I use my Invisible Stalker s with Grand Architect to have additional win conditions, Architect Blade. Let me tell you, the best thing ever is to have two Wurmcoil Engines on the battlefield each equipped with a Sword of Body and Mind.
Keep in mind that when you play X-Blade decks, you need a consistent way to generate creature advantage. What made Caw-Blade so effective was the never-ending stream of creatures with evasion; expect your creatures to die all the time, even if they have Hexproof. They can easily be dealt with by cards like Liliana of the Veil , card:Geth's Verdict, Memoricide , etc. You can NOT have a deck that relies solely on 4 Invisible Stalkers to win you the game, no matter how many counterspells you can run.
jreyno01 says... #2
Here's mineCreature MillKills on turn 6 or 7, even with really bad card drawsInvisible Stalker is decent but usually the other creatures in this deck (excluding the non-combat ones) are better. Nice to have options though depending what your opponents have out
November 3, 2011 2:12 p.m.