Irindu Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2013, 1:10 a.m. by adventfaith
I love the Red, blue, and green colors, but I can't even begin to start this deck. I don't really know what to synergize ehre, or how to. I am trying my best to avoid the infinite combo with them, but it's seeming that's all it really has.
Right now, I am using a fair amount of land, about 23, with a bunch of green mana dorks(Sylvan Caryatid , Voyaging Satyr , and Zhur-Taa Druid ) to drop out large creatures Nemesis of Mortals , AEtherling , Mistcutter Hydra , Prime Speaker Zegana . But, I feel like there isn't much to do in the ways of control / other damage.
Any ideas? Or pointers to get me going in the right direction?
I suggest making a deck via the site's deck builder; it is much more organized and easier to read.
An initial prototype deck to look at would be fantastic. Getting to the "right" direction is your choice, how you ever want to play.
December 17, 2013 1:47 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #4
Whipped this up as an example:
This deck isn't control. The concept - get creatures out using the Mystic and Caryatid, stabalise with scry lands and Thassa. Xenagos is used to keep the mana flowing and add more o your army. Gain card advantage via Zegana, Niv-Mizzet, Bident and capitalise off Legion Loyalist's battalion and Raider's mega self buff.
December 17, 2013 2:32 a.m.
adventfaith says... #5
I did mean Standard, sorry about That. Alright, that's a great starter.
My only question is how it can answer to conrtol decks and other removal spells? Or do I try and flood the field before they can attempt such moves?
December 17, 2013 3:06 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #6
This is an example of how I play, my version of talking on control is to havegreater card advantage than my opponent and beat them down faster than they can get bombs out and seal the game. My sideboards though generally aid in control heavy match-ups, Witchstalker, Simic Charm, Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, Ember Swallower etc... (Cyclonic Rift is brilliant against token decks)
How you build your deck all depends on how you play. I'm not much of a control player, I worked out pretty quick I don't have the greatest of patience.
December 17, 2013 3:32 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #7
Ultimaodin I like how you told us how you play. Seriously. No two players play alike in my experience.
Typically I like to play early removal and control, (turns 0-3) and follow up with creatures that are hard to play around. This always makes me gravitate towards midrange decks. And because of removal, I tend to always have black somewhere in there. Case in point. My first post thermos standard deck was a Jund midrange deck JFC. but now! since I am a bit bored with Jund and people are getting used to it I am running Project BUG.
They play remarkably similar but look very different. Play styles of individual players are really important with deck building and card choices.
With that said, you may want to get some Jace, architect of thought in there... I have not seen your list... But he seems to generate some serious advantage. And anything that let's you scry your ass off. Maybe some Izzet Charm
December 17, 2013 8:35 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #8
gnarlicide - I thought it was worth mentioning because I know how I build decks revolves around how I enjoy playing. I'm a Simic player going for card advantage and synergy beat down. I make other type decks but that is my usual style of play. The main issue I have with people who net deck is that they either don't know how to play the deck or it just doesn't suit how they play.
I actually don't like Jace Architect of Thought. In your Project Bug deck your main threat to my main Simic Deck is Vraska. Supreme Verdict... meh. Control spells... meh. a 1/1 Assasin that kills me... KILL IT!!!! I'm so glad my meta doesn't use her. Golgari was actually pretty damn popular last FNM (although I took a joke Christmas themed Naya deck) yet nobody played Vraska. I'm surprised you don't have Thassa in your build, I'd certainly take her over Jace. Scry each turn, give one of those Assassins unblockable, harder for mono black to remove. I should make that deck... but I probably won't. Thassa is in the example deck list. =)
Again though my opinion on Jace Architect of thought is due to my play style.Lots of people like him.
December 17, 2013 9:45 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #9
I had to teach myself how to play with jace. Now I kind of like it. My favorite play with my BUG deck is to attack with Prognostic Sphinx
, scry 3 and then -2 jace. I get the best results with that. It's still a midrange deck at heart. Jace just seemed like it would fit and I would be dumb not to use him.
I have net decked in the past, but only as a last resort. Theros seems to allow for more successful home brews. I have had great success so far. Netted a couple 1st places with Jund and now I'm trying my hands at BUG. It seems really well positioned with born of the gods coming.
December 17, 2013 11:39 p.m.
Ultimaodin says... #10
First off Prognostic Sphinx is a brilliant card. I have 2 foils of him and the foil looks amazing as well. He's especially good with Bident of Thassa .
I guess Jace for me comes down to hating revealing the cards I draw. I like Bident of Thassa and Bred for the Hunt for card draw as it rewards me for beating down my opponent with card advantage and generally generates a nice constant stream of card unless they get hit by Detention Sphere (I loath that card, when it comes to Esper Matchups that card is always the card that hits me the most. So yeah, that comes down to play style. I run with Unblockable, Fliers and Trample to get me some juicy rewards. It is interesting though that many players like gaining card advantage but many go different paths to get there. Actually got asked why I don't run Zegana in my Simic deck. I answered I origionally did, except the only time I ever had her in hand was went I had a ridiculously powerful Kalonian Hydra on the field and playing her would actually mean drawing myself out. Plus I despise discarding. Drawing 17 cards then having to discard 10 of those hurts me. Exchanged her for Fathom Mage which many people think is an odd call but they 'may' part of drawing cards lets me fill my hand to what I need and unlike Zegana she actually benefits with Kalonian Hydra on the field. Of course she almost always gets side boarded out against control heavy decks since she sits there with a massive 4cmc target on her.
December 18, 2013 11:27 a.m.
adventfaith says... #11
A little irindu is love is what I created with my current card colelction. still looking for a lot, but it is kind of playable
JWiley129 says... #2
It would help to know what format you're making the deck for. Based on your post I'm going to assume you mean Standard.
A good template to follow if you want to drop fatties on your opponent is to start with a Gruul ramp deck shell, minus Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , and take out the cards you don't especially like. My initial sketch of the creatures would be:
4x Sylvan Caryatid ; 3x Elvish Mystic ; 3xVoyaging Satyr ; 3x Prime Speaker Zegana ; 3x Mistcutter Hydra ; 3x Ember Swallower ; 3x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius .
This gives you 28 creatures and if you put in 23 lands you've got 9 cards left over for other cards. I would then recommend a few copies of Domri Rade or Garruk, Caller of Beasts to get more creatures in your hand.
If you want more control elements try building a Simic creature deck with Red in there for removal like Mizzium Mortars and Anger of the Gods . I hope this helps!
December 17, 2013 1:28 a.m.