Is a planeswalker deck worth building

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 6, 2013, 3:19 p.m. by patrickloyd

i was just wondering if you could pull off a standard planeswalker deck?

gufymike says... #2

you could, esper again, you have 2 jace's,, Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to work with. I probably would pick Jace, Memory Adept and go with control-mill. Ajani, Caller of the Pride wouldn't fit much in here tbh. though r/g creature's is a good midrange deck, it is a 'planeswalker deck' using Domri Rade , Xenagos, The Reveler and Garruk, Caller of Beasts to put out lots of creatures.

December 6, 2013 3:44 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #3

i am trying to decide between a planes walker deck and a b/u mill deck, which would be more efficient?

December 6, 2013 3:49 p.m.

gufymike says... #4

esper planeswalker, white just has a few extra goodies to help you, with elspeth, azorius charm, verdict and spinx's rev on top of the u/b kill && mill.

It would be more U/B/w

December 6, 2013 3:52 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #5

i mean two different decks. mill or planeswalker deck?

December 6, 2013 3:58 p.m.

gufymike says... #6

Why not merge them? But personally, I would do planeswalker I think. It really should come down to what you're happy with and want to play. Mill right now, probably can do something at fnm's, but it has to deal with aggro. planeswalker control should deal with aggro better than mill control.

December 6, 2013 4:03 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #7

ok cool

December 6, 2013 4:04 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #8

It isn't really possible to build a "Planeswalker deck" without some sort of support for them since they are highly specialized and a bit fragile. So what gufymike is saying is that within the support system for Esper Planeswalkers you could put Dimir mill and build both. Within UB mill you are likely to have Jace, Memory Adept and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver anyway along with the kind of defense you would need for your "planeswalkers deck" too so the 2 decks aren't that far apart. His suggestion in the first post was actually to go with a mill wincon so basically the choices are Esper Control Mill or Dimir Mill.

December 6, 2013 4:14 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #9

ok lets go mill, the planeswalkers i have are Liliana of the Dark Realms for mana ramp Jace, Memory Adept and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

December 6, 2013 4:26 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #10

are they good for a mill deck

December 6, 2013 4:27 p.m.

gufymike says... #11

I don't like Liliana of the Dark Realms only because I like Elspeth, Sun's Champion a lot more. That's my personal opinion, my suggestion is play test them and see what happens. maybe lili into Mind Grind might be worth it. especially since she's at the 4cc slot, turn 3, ashiok, turn 4, lili, turn 5 Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker , turn 6 traumatize, hit with mirko, turn 7 Mind Grind for a lot and a hit with mirko, turn 8, jace and a hit with mirko. turn 9, Consuming Aberration , I could see it happening.

December 6, 2013 4:37 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #12

Jace is great for mill and I guess Ashiok could be OK if you have ways to protect him. Lili doesn't realy ramp unless you get her ult off, she tutors swamps though and that could prevent you from missing a land drop and would be nice if you were running Watery Grave .

December 6, 2013 4:38 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #13

to be more specific i mean a pure planeswalker deck, completely made upof them

December 6, 2013 5:05 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #14

nope, too fragile. 36 planeswalkers and 24 lands is not feasible you would have to run 4 color at least and each planeswalker requires at least 2 specific colored mana whether it be double of one color or 1 each of 2 colors. you most likely wouldn't have any plays until turn 4 or 5 and no way to protect them once you played them so they would die after getting their + off once.

December 6, 2013 5:14 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #15

That's not really viable, though.

December 6, 2013 5:16 p.m.

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