Is Blind Obedience worth playing in control atm?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 29, 2013, 10:20 p.m. by Stein_
Reason I am asking this is, I am jumping back into standard from last season. I have made a Barely Esper control deck, and it works pretty smooth most of the time, but I sometimes wonder how beneficial or not Blind Obedience is. I've done alot of testing against my team running Boros Aggro, and Bant Aggro, and I can mostly shut down Boros easily with this enchantment, but some times its just awful, and I wonder if I should even main board it anymore. Thoughts? I'm newer to threads and mostly suck at them, but here is my list. Help? Ideas?
Most net deck's that include it have it sideboarded specifically as an answer to RDW and general aggro. It's really nice there, but falls short in many other matchups. I wouldn't mainboard it given esper control has so many other great alternative cards it can run.
November 29, 2013 10:52 p.m.
i play UWR control and i removed it from my sb but thats bc ive got access to a lot more removal with anger, mortars, helix, and Chained to the Rocks and the life gain from Warleader's Helix is some good time extension until sphinx
November 29, 2013 11:35 p.m.
In my opinion, no.
I think it's stretching to say this "shuts down" anything since it never actually trades for one of their cards. You're essentially banking on the X amount of life it gains you, saves from haste, keeping you alive long enough to dig yourself out of the hole you've partially made by. Why not just run Heroes' Reunion or Fog , it's basically the same effect. I'd rather be bringing in more removal out of my sideboard.
There's only one card that it "answers" that you really care about as a control deck and that's Obzedat, Ghost Council who not seeing a ton of play.
November 30, 2013 12:05 a.m.
Blind Obedience is, believe it or not, excellent right now. It slows down hasty aggro enough to let your removal take care of it, and completely shuts down Whip of Erebos . The ability to extort every single one of your spells is also quite nasty.
November 30, 2013 1:29 a.m.
However, early game, you don't get to extort as much I've noticed. I definitely will have it SB against any aggro/haste decks.
maxon says... #2
At my local FNM, i've seen it played to great effect against RDW. basically shut it down. i wouldnt say nix it, but if you do keep it, it's probably best as a SB option.
November 29, 2013 10:35 p.m.