is it just me or is Phyrexian Obliterator just way too good?!?!?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 2:33 p.m. by permhole96
4 swamp for a 5/5 with trample... thats already hella good. then you add the ability to if say you block with a 5/5 killing the obliterator, but then the dude has to sac fricking 5 permanents... or if you deal 5 damage to him killing him, there goes 5 permanents...
thats just way way way too good!!!!!!!!... anybody agree?
permhole96 says... #3
still... i just think hes another jace or stoneforge...
February 22, 2012 2:50 p.m.
Unfortunately, he's not that great. He really shines when you have things like Prey Upon that you use with him, and then that means you're probably delaying how soon you can cast him, because you at least had to splash green into the deck.
He's very good, don't get me wrong, but with a BBBB casting cost, he's actually pretty difficult to get out. The best place I've seen him do well was in mono black, and he was just a late game creature, that the opponent had to be tricky about getting rid of.
February 22, 2012 2:59 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #5
Don't forget that Inquisitor's Flail also makes him a beast of a threat if not dealt with. I personally think he's a great card but just too easy to remove as most creatures are.
February 22, 2012 3:02 p.m.
Actually he is just a plain bad card. If he was as good as you think he is, he would be seeing more than zero play, wouldn't he?
February 22, 2012 3:42 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
It's far too restrictively-priced to be playable in most formats. I used to run it in my black-with-a-blue-splash standard deck pre-rotation, and only currently run it in my mono-black EDH deck.
It's also kind of easy to deal with, despite being so difficult to cast in most situations.
February 22, 2012 3:49 p.m.
In a vacuum, he's probably one of the best creatures printed, but the card gets progressively worse the more you consider how much non-damaging removal is available and how restricting the casting cost is.
With his casting cost, he's really only good in Mono Black and (maybe) U/B Control. Mono Black either has to have a way to play around removal (which it has very little answers to) or back it up with more threats than your opponent can answer (like a Mono Black Aggro build) and U/B already has strong threats that are significantly easier to cast.
He's fairly balanced in standard right now.
Pros: He requires an answer and over half of the removal right now is Burn and Doom Blade . Mono Black DOES have enough threats to back him up and still win after your opponent plays Oblivion Ring .
Cons: The strongest decks right now (Delver and Wolf Run) don't really have to worry about him because both can just fly over it and Wolf Run doesn't have a problem just trampling through and sacrificing 5 permanents. While it does require an answer, most decks have access to several (Dismember , O-Ring, Day of Judgment , Go for the Throat , etc.)
February 22, 2012 4 p.m.
Looks like SCG raised the price on Phyrexian Obliterator and they are selling out. #MTG— Jonathan Medina (@mtgmedina) February 22, 2012
February 22, 2012 4:06 p.m.
Is there a new deck strategy that he's looking strong in?
February 22, 2012 5:02 p.m.
MasterFlinter says... #11
Zombie aggro is what people are snatching him up for. Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger have made black aggro worth considering.
February 22, 2012 5:38 p.m.
permhole96 says... #12
yea, my deck is deck:dablackattack and it is pretty smexy... would you guys mind taking a look at it and giving ur feedback?
February 22, 2012 6:45 p.m.
hunter9000 says... #13
I have a br deck with him that uses Curse of the Nightly Hunt , and a bg version that's much better that uses Irresistible Prey , Prey Upon , Deadly Allure , Lure , and Predatory Urge . It's not super competitive, but it's a lot of fun.
February 22, 2012 11 p.m.
Valentine35 says... #14
he is on the verge of being broken but isnt. he can be dealt with and the problem a lot of people have with him is they think he is only good in mono-black so not a lot of people like to play mono colors. I use him in my deck and he rocks cuz i give him Deadly Allure and/or Undying Evil and he rocks it. I would link my deck but it keeps linking to another deck with the same name. if you want to check it out go to my page and look at it, its Black Hole Sun.
2austin5 says... #2
just use Dismember
and he goes for good, because dismember doesn't deal damage, same with cards like Oblivion Ring![MTG Card: Oblivion Ring](
February 22, 2012 2:41 p.m.