Is my Artifact Knight deck flawed?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2011, 8:12 a.m. by swalwellalex
Hey there players.Im a newb of one year to MTG and Im VERY new to creating my own decks in MTG despite a more than basic understanding of the game i have yet to be able to notice sly major flaws in my decks i build. I JUST built an Artifact deck that utilizes Knight Exemplar to turn Puresteel Paladin indestructible while using stoneforge mystic to get out big equips like Argentum Armor. blah blah in the end id have an indestructible equip decked out Puresteel. If some veteran player would take a sec to look at my deck on my Page and shoot me some tips that would be friggin amazing. keep in mind i dont play tournies i just play my friends ( who own dozens of decks) and i dont like breaking my nuts paying for OP equip cards. anyways THX
here is a lst just incase going to my page is too much work
KorApprentice says... #2
Legacy — swalwellalex — 5 hours ago
Playtest |deck:truty-lil-puresteel/draw
You have misspelled "Trusty".
December 17, 2011 1:31 p.m.