Is there anything wrong?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 1, 2014, 11:35 p.m. by Red-Skull
I just want some outside opinion on my deck. If there is stuff to take out and stuff to add. Please help out. My deck A kick to the Go-Nads .
Start by stripping the slow stuff, I get the idea behind Mesa Enchantress but that's 3 cards with 0 power in your aggro deck - it doesn't get more miserable of a top deck than that. With as removal heavy a format as Modern is, you can't afford to have any creature that aren't threats. Likewise while Militia's Pride might pay dividends in the long game, you're not looking to go long. Raise the Alarm or Gather the Townsfolk would likely be better and help in the race if blocking is needed.
Also, it's more important to focus on individual power than synergy when a lot of your stuff is going to get killed. Field Marshal is pretty great when you have a field of soldiers, but most games your board isn't getting that cluttered. Lightning Bolt is quite literally the most played spell in the format, it's not a kind place for linear aggro decks. Something like Mirran Crusader or the new Brimaz, King of Oreskos is more powerful on its own.
On that same line, you may want to think about how to be attacking from an additional angle. Most of the successful or semi-successful aggro deck in Modern need to have a secondary strategy to them, as mentioned there's way too much spot removal to try and play a simple curve out plan. For instance, Merfolk disrupts their mana colors and has some counters, GW plays "hatebears" that put them off balance in multiple areas, BW uses discard, etc. AEther Vial is often a key for many of these decks as a way to both play around counter spells and to overload your opponents removal.
A few more just general notes
Ethereal Armor is just going to lead to more blow outs than wins. It's too much risk without hexproof. A 2-for-1 is often going to be the tempo gain that most decks need to stabilize.
Brave the Elements is practically the sole reason to run mono-white. Run all 4, it's your best card, especially when stuff like Pyroclasm is being mainboarded by some decks.
You've got the flexibility in your mana base for some utility. A pair of Tectonic Edge , Mutavault , Windbrisk Heights , etc would help to get a little extra out of your lands.
Slycne says... #2
Depends, what's your goal for the deck? How competitive do you want it to be?
February 2, 2014 6:42 a.m.