Is this deck worth the investment?

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 13, 2014, 3:26 p.m. by kintighd

Vengevine and way too many zombies (at times) I can build this deck for 185 dollars on mtgo. Do you guys think its worth the investment? What would make it worth it for me is frequent 3-1 or 4-0 at tournaments and long lasting appeal.

Hallowed_Titan says... #2

Sounds like your leaning towards it already. Id say go for it.

March 13, 2014 3:34 p.m.

aFriendlyAlly says... #3

Its a fun deck, one I always wanted to build. Its sad you didn't build it sooner. Before modern season, like a couple weeks ago, bloodghast was 5$, gravecrawler was 1-2$, and vengevine was like 11.

March 13, 2014 3:36 p.m.

gufymike says... #4

It's a good deck and fun, but just an fyi, beware of Anger of the Gods my friend plays a similar list, but I run two anger's mainboard in my u/w/r control list and usually that kills the deck quickly and easily.

I probably wouldn't invest in this expecting those numbers. even with the change from Hedron Crab to Lotleth Troll (which I suggest anyways). Because I don't think dredge is that strong still. Loam pox or modern loam (Running Life from the Loam and Seismic Assault feel stronger and play a bit better IMO. (have modern loam in the local meta also). For this style.

modern loam list

March 13, 2014 4:09 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #5

I wouldn't.

March 13, 2014 4:40 p.m.

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