Is Viscera Dragger viable?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 25, 2014, 10:48 p.m. by MindAblaze
So I was looking for resilience and card draw for my Soul Sisters Midrange Combo deck
The Loyal Legions of Thune Playtest
SCORE: 12 | 0 COMMENTS | 2581 VIEWSand I remembered Viscera Dragger . It's card draw and a hasty creature in one, why not?
Any advice that's not "Soul Sisters are supposed to be mono-white" is welcome and appreciated. Lol. I also feel like Shrine of Loyal Legions may be a weak spot but am kind of attached. Also, I'm unsure of what to slot in...Squadron Hawk s maybe?
Again the deck is
The Loyal Legions of Thune Playtest
SCORE: 12 | 0 COMMENTS | 2581 VIEWS. Thanks everybody.
MindAblaze says... #3
I see how Martyr of Sands is a staple in the Serra Ascendant version of the build. The ability to gain 6-12 life in one shot gives you a huge threat very early. I have considered the Martyr but in the end I decided this build on the doesn't benefit from a whole bunch of extra life other than to help stall. I actually cut the Ascendants because I wasn't reaching the life requirement often enough. Secondly, I feel like although I have a good number of predictable creatures I also run a few answers that would be in my best interest not to reveal.
To address your second point, I think you're right. A card that will often be a vanilla 2/2 is underwhelming, but it serves two functions in this deck. The obvious "removal" aspect of it, which is quite useful if/when I run into a Robots deck, and its one part of my infinite life combo. I have already trimmed 2 Metamorphs and one copy of the Relic-warder to aid overall consistency and I feel like cutting any more would put me in a position of "why bother." I'm wondering if I will end up reaching that point anyway though.
EvenDryke says... #2
4x Martyr of Sands
Also, it seems like 3 Leonin Relic-Warder mainboard is too many. It won't always be relevant, and when it's not it's a 2/2 for double white, which is less than amazing.
January 25, 2014 10:58 p.m.