Izzet Dual Devotion with control splash needs help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 25, 2013, 6:37 a.m. by Knochenkotzer666
Hi there. My mate and I were just having fun deckbuilding, when one of us came up with the Idea of a Dual Devotion deck, so we've put one together in some moments (that's why it is still kinda unstructured and not that well built), playtested it against each other and I have to admit: This is the funniest deck I've ever played so I want to improve this and even make it semi-competitive (if that is possible).
The list with some explanations is here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/what-decktype-izzet-many/ (Sorry, the Deck-Large thingy does not work on this deck properly, that's why there is just a Link )
The plan is to just control the enemy while building up devotion to make amazing nykthos plays happen ( a.e. X-Mana Burn Spells, Turn 4 Overload Mizzium Mortars, untap with Ral Zarek
for 13 Damage by niv mizzet and so on,) and just close the game either with one of the creatures, one Creature I stole from my enemy or with my Devotion triggers (Master of Waves
or Fanatic of Mogis
What do you say? Is Devotion control a bad Idea all in all? What should I play/ not play to make the deck better?
Now 2 explanations, I think, I will be asked for:
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
This guy often closes the game and he is for me like an inverted Sphinx's Revelation
being a mana sink who draws cards and dooes damage.
Jace Beleren
This guy is just CA for me, letting me draw cards fast and building up devotion, this guy is more viable for me than a.e. Divination
I hope, you have some Ideas for me and maybe we can make this deck viable for some small Tournaments. Have a nice day!