Izzet Hyper Burn

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 2, 2013, 2:46 a.m. by JWiley129

I have this deck that I want to make more competitive, without getting shock lands, and need some ideas for cards to add to it/take away. I have a general idea of what to take out, but I want some outside opinions.

Izzet Hyper Burn

Slycne says... #2

First and foremost, you need to address the lands. 20 lands is for decks that might have a playset of 3 and 4 CMC spells, and even then those are usually your flood insurance spells. If you're that stacked in 3 CMC and are going up to 6 CMC, you need at least 24 and 25 or more might still even be better. Consistency is always important, and your deck wants to consistently make it's first 3-4 lands drops.

Next up, I would recommend figuring out what the deck's plan is. Are you control, burn or combo? From the looks of it you've scattered various ideas in, but decks preform better when they all the cards have a single goal in mind. Just because a card is powerful or rare doesn't mean it belongs in the deck.

Stuff I would take out right away (based on the direction of making this more a UR control deck, which it seems most similar to) - Weapon Surge , Annihilating Fire , Archaeomancer , Nivix Cyclops , Guttersnipe , Lava Axe and maybe Chandra's Phoenix / Melek, Izzet Paragon . Some of the cards are just wrong for the deck, some are a little too expensive to cast or situational.

Cards I would consider adding back - Izzet Charm !, Searing Spear , Augur of Bolas , Mizzium Mortars , Pillar of Flame . - Some of those are rotating yes, but there's no good reason to be running say Annihilating Fire while the 5 cent bulk common Searing Spear and Pillar of Flame are in standard still.

Also, if shocklands are not in the budget: you may want to consider shifting the deck towards a single color. One of the greatest measures of a deck competitiveness is its consistency. Lacking the mana fixing just means you'll loose X% of games to your mana, but you can lower that by lowering the degree to which you need a second color. You can even use this to your advantage by running cards like Burning Earth , which really hurts the costly 3 color mana bases people run these days.

Also also, sideboard will vary greatly based on what your local meta is like, but I can tell you right now that you're not using the sideboard to its full potential. Most of those cards are just variations of what you already have in the deck. You primarily want to be able to address problematic match-ups.

September 2, 2013 3:23 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #3

Slycne - I understand completely about the land situation, I was running 20 more like an experiment. I've never done a deck without 24 lands, so I was just seeing if it worked. And it does work fairly well, but I want to be more burn/aggro than control, so I was thinking going up to 22 lands.

I want to focus on the burn aspects of the deck, so I want to keep the Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe so I can: 1.) make 1/1 chump blockers, 2.) get extra damage off of non-damage spells, and 3.) be more spell focused. Same thing with Nivix Cyclops since it is a sturdy wall for 3 CMC which can buff nicely. And ideally I'll run 4x Shock and 4x Mizzium Mortars (which I don't have any of, but I was planning on getting some). I'll definitely add some Pillar of Flame s though, this deck can always use more Shock . Any other suggestions?

September 2, 2013 3:42 a.m.

xaldin27 says... #4

i think the mortars are all u need get some draw excel and if u need shock then just do 2 same with pillar of flame

September 2, 2013 3:59 p.m.

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