Izzet infinite mana/damage combo help.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 6, 2013, 1:17 a.m. by Femme_Fatale
IonImplant says... #3
If you play 4 of each to give you the best chance of hitting the combo. (16 cards) and even if you had only 14 land (not enough) and the rest were 1 mana instants. That is half your deck as non instants so your loop would last on average 1 card.
August 6, 2013 2:03 p.m.
hehehe thats a nice way of determining a combo :D
loving the calculus.
yeah it's not the perfect combo, artfull dodge helps a bit i guess and i am figuring you have a second mana and an instant in hand to kickstart it again.
Basing this on the calculus you started out of the 12 cards you would get in 5 turns, 3 have to be lands (which is pushing the 14/60 slightly), 4 have to be the combo, the pieces you setup would have to stay alive in turn 3 and 4 and the remaining 5 are the kickstarts. That still does lethal damage, even without the loops its 52 from gutter and 52 from shock, pillar, bolt etc. All highly unlikely to get right ofcourse, but fun to think about it working.
you are completely right tho, not nearly infinite, but its the best i could come up with.
August 6, 2013 3:08 p.m.
erm ok, sorry, it replaced asterix sign with making tekst italic, 5x2 is what it was supposed to say
August 6, 2013 3:10 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #6
I did the Blistercoil Weird , Artful Dodge and Paradise Mantle combo. I have a deck (not listed here) that can win on turn two, only contains 1 mana draw cards other than the main combo, and is mono-blue. For that combo, you don't need anything other than blue one mana draw cards and those listed above. I was wondering about my current deck I am making: Just Doing My Job.
August 6, 2013 7:03 p.m.
Yeah i commented on your deck, altho i think it's not entirely what you where looking for.
hetwiel says... #2
not that you will ever get all 4 cards out, but this combo is pretty close to infinite
Paradise Mantle equipped on Blistercoil Weird makes 1 mana instants and sorceries free.Guttersnipe deals 2 damage for each instant and sorcery you cast (does not even have to resolve) and if you enchant Curiosity on him he lets you draw a card each time you do damage.So as long as every card you draw is an instant or at least close to it, you are looping. There are some 1-mana flashback's to fix the random non-instant/sorcery cards.
August 6, 2013 12:01 p.m.