Izzet Tempo help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 21, 2013, 1:12 a.m. by corncob

So here is the deck, Boil em up, it has changed quite a lot since I created it. I keep going back and forth between Syncopate and Dissolve , and I just replaced Shock with Hidden Strings , since hidden strings can dish out some disgusting damage when combined with Guttersnipe . What do you guys think about Dissolve vs Syncopate and Hidden Strings for shock? I like the damage potential from strings but I also like the ability of shock to eliminate a lot of early game threats for 1 mana.

greyfox92404 says... #2

Dissolve , in my opinion, is a better card, Syncopate is useful, but when you want to counter a spell, you don't want any chance of your opponent paying the mana and "uncountering". At 2 mana Syncopate , it is a different form of Stymied Hopes , which is less useful than Dissolve . At 3 mana it is a more expensive Mana Leak , but it exiles the spell. I think I would rather have Dissolve in either of the those situations.

I also think that Hidden Strings is a good choice over Shock , although Shock will do 4 damage if Guttersnipe is on the battlefield, Hidden Strings has a reasonable chance to trigger from Spellheart Chimera . And using Hidden Strings on your own lands can string together lethal amounts of instants.

I would also recommend AEtherize in your side board, you can switch it out for Turn / Burn for so many of the devotion decks. It can save you another to wreck havoc on your opponent.

I hope some of this helps.

December 21, 2013 2:43 a.m.

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