Jund Devour in Modern Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 31, 2013, 4:54 p.m. by DarkHero
Modern Devour for the fun of it. As the description says, I started playing with a similar deck in casual way back in the day, so I have a serious soft spot for this type of deck. Would love to make a competitive version of it. I have little to no experience with modern, so I could really use some help. Comment here or on the deck either way. +1's would be cool if you actually like it.
alpinefroggy says... #3
No Tarmogoyf does not support what the deck is doing, not very good.Also fetchlands aren't necessary, at low metas players can get off with shocks and checklands.
March 31, 2013 6:43 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #4
Yeah, it's possible to get away with just checklands, however fetches power up Deathrite Shaman by a substantial margin. Also, yes, Tarmogoyf is necessary. It's a brick wall vs aggro, a huge threat vs control, and fights opposing Goyfs. There's a reason a bunch of decks splash it.
March 31, 2013 6:48 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #5
But if we go that route, what are we playing? We have to remember that for better, for worse this deck is built around one single mechanic. We are trying to improve the use of the mechanic and making it work in low metas. What you have suggested starts destroying this concept and forcing more torwards modern jund. Why not just add Dark Confidant and Liliana of the Veil and go to town? Because thats not what this deck is doing. So while yes goyf is very good, its not what this decks wants and is not helping us get the mechanic to work.
March 31, 2013 7:18 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #6
I agree that the deck's strategy should not be diluted to much. However Goyf is a must-have. Why? Because otherwise you will die to the fast Burning-Tree Emissary decks. You will lose to opposing Goyfs. And you will get crushed by slower control decks who Remand and Mana Leak all your expensive spells. In order to be able to beat the combo decks, the deck must have either hand disruption (Thoughtseize ) or be fast enough to kill them before they go off (Tarmogoyf ). Now, the deck is fine without Goyf. It's obviously meant to be more fun than fast/efficient and that's fine. However jmallete1 asked for competitive advice and I gave it to him.
March 31, 2013 7:40 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #7
I understand all of that and only play the most proven decks in modern but you still don't understand the side of silliness in lower level metas where this is possible. I am trying to give him good advice and he said it was for low level metas. And so that's what I gave him. Any higher meta yes this deck folds.
March 31, 2013 7:47 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #8
OK then, that's fine. I can definitely see reasons for not running Goyfs in a more casual setting.
March 31, 2013 8:23 p.m.
Tarmogoyf might help, but its not worth how much it costs. Lets be a little bit reasonable. Thoughtseize is even too far out of a reasonable price. I don't mean to make this budget by any means, but thats just a little much for something that isnt for pro tournament play. I'm talking Friday/Saturday night at the local store competitive.
March 31, 2013 8:35 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #10
Well Inquisition of Kozilek is a reasonable replacement for Thoughtseize , but Duress is strictly a sideboard card. As for two-drops, Lotleth Troll , River Boa , or Mire Boa are decent.
detentionsphere says... #2
It's sad but if you want to be really competitive... you need 4x Tarmogoyf . Also, replace those m10 lands with fetchlands. Run Lightning Bolt and Terminate as well.
March 31, 2013 5:57 p.m.