Jund Dredgevine Help Needed!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 18, 2014, 8:06 p.m. by kintighd
I'm looking for some help with this deck, Jund Dredgevine, and since I can't deckcylce right now because of that bug. I'll post it here. Any suggestions are appreciated, this will be played on mtgo so i'm trying to build a sideboard for that meta. I would like to keep it jund, I do know that there is a version that has blue in it.
Our builds are pretty similar. I choose to cut some of the more expensive non basic lands for money reasons. Life from the loam is to help with the consistency I lose by dropping those other fetches.
February 18, 2014 8:34 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #4
You make a good point keeping loam in, but... I would suggest upping your Dakmor Salvage s by 2 and remove the loam and 1x swamp. I have noticed when I play this deck that I only require no more than 3x lands to start chaining things. With a nutty opening hand (it happens very VERY often with this deck) you can get 3x vengevines out by turn 3. There was one game (this only happened a handful of times by now) that on turn two I cranked out all four vengevines and swung in for the win (dude was playing suicide rock and was already at 15 after turn 1). It actually went like this:
T1: Opponent was on the play, plays Verdant Catacombs fetching Overgrown Tomb untapped, plays Thoughtseize . Removing my Stinkweed Imp . Pass.
Me: Play Blood Crypt untapped, casting Burning Inquiry . I replaced all draws with dredge setting 3x vines in the yard and two gravecrawlers. I discard the fourth vengevine and a couple other randoms. *Note: at this point there are also 3x Slitherhead s in the yard as well
T2: Opponent plays Swamp , casts Tarmogoyf (actually a good call on his part). Pass
Me: Untap, Dredge 4 with Golgari Thug
play Swamp
, cast Gravecrawler
from my hand, cast another Gravecrawler
from the graveyard... all 4 Vengevine
s trigger. I scavenge the Slitherhead
s (all four by now) placing +1/+1 counters on each vine. Swing for game.
It was the best slam dunk ever. Best game 1 ever also. My opponent was so confused by what happened that he side boarded out his Scavenging Ooze
s for some other stuff that I never saw next game. I didn't side board. and took the win on turn 3 the second game.
I don't know if you have ever played with this deck, but these are very good examples of what you could expect. I hope you enjoy it, man.
February 18, 2014 10:26 p.m.
I really like the deck. I never knew you could replace any draws with dredge. That's going to help things a lot. The biggest problem I'm having is one game I'll have a turn 4 win and the next I struggle to find anything with dredge. That may be because I'm play testing on cockatrice.
February 19, 2014 12:17 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #6
Cockatrice may be a a bad place to do your testing for this deck. Just because there are a few unorthodox moving pieces, and there are a lot of troll players.
There are many odd things that are legal with this deck that you can do. And I know them inside and out. For example:
The beginning of your turn is untap, upkeep, draw. You can play Darkblast during your upkeep, then dredge it back to your hand during your draw step and play it again during your turn. Effectively killing an x/2 creature. For the sake of the point, say, Deathrite Shaman
If you have any questions, feel free to drop by my page and ask. I swap this deck in once in a while for paper magic and every time it owns. I get the feeling that I may be a subject matter expert when it comes to dredge decks, lol.
gnarlicide says... #2
Here you go, brother/fellow Jund player. This is what I use on occasion. It catches everyone off guard when i play it. I hope you enjoy. Trust some of my wacky card choices, they really do work.
Angry Mob Justice (tournament report)
February 18, 2014 8:26 p.m.