Just bought a box of New Phyrexia

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 25, 2011, 10:19 p.m. by Letweek

And I'm looking to build a deck out of it . Any suggestions? Also still relatively new to the game I just need some help building me a kick-ass deck.

JaceFace says... #2

Buy 4xJace, the Mind Sculptor

or wait until he rotates out of standard.

May 25, 2011 10:38 p.m.

Deco_y says... #3


What rares did you pull?

May 25, 2011 11:44 p.m.

zandl says... #4

Yeah. If you want to win tournaments, get Jace, the Mind Sculptor . Otherwise, you're pissing in the wind.

May 26, 2011 12:54 a.m.

Jace is not necessary. dont listen to them

May 26, 2011 2:27 a.m.

zandl says... #6

More than 80% of all Top 8 decks in StarCityGames.com's Invitationals have at least 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor . I hate that card, but even I acknowledge that it's a beast.

May 26, 2011 2:29 a.m.

i know. but, especially now, jace is NOT necessary to have a top 8 deck. Surgical Extraction , Memoricide , Despise , Counterspells and Phyrexian Revoker and freakin Lightning Bolt keep jace at bay pretty easily

May 26, 2011 2:43 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #8

Yet somehow jace runs 7(?) out of 8 places at the SCG Louisville. He's amazing and yes there's answers, but then there's answers to everything. The problem is that as soon as he hits the field he's card advantage and if left unchecked wins the game ON HIS OWN. Not many cards can say that. He's just trouble and there's always a good chance that you don't have an immediate answer, meaning that he will pull his controller very far ahead, usually too far.

I'm not a fan of Jace and i wish he'd rotated yesterday, but we all have to admit that it's simply the best single card in standard at the moment, hence the prize on his head. Let's just bear with him a couple more months and then forget him (until we start playing extended, in which he's less threatening due to the load of other synergies that open up because of the larger cardpool).


Surgical Extraction is not an answer to anything imo, it's only good after you've already removed the threat you want to pull and even then it's just pure card-disadvantage. Lightning Bolt only kills jace if he doesn't +2 on the first round, which is a bad idea when playing against a bolt deck, and EVEN THEN he has already brainstormed you giving him advantage or bounced a creature giving him value.

Hex Parasite seems like a nice adittion to the club though, especially for white decks (The Real Steel anyone? :P)

May 26, 2011 6:38 a.m.

LeakyBucket says... #9

It really depends on the format you want to play. New Phyrexia actually has some great cards for Legacy. There are probably some winners in there for Standard too but I don't play that much.

As others have said a list of what you pulled would help to construct a deck.

As for Jace, I think his value will drop once he rotates out. He's been legal in every format since he came out and I don't think the demand would go up just because he's no longer legal in one format. I always found it interesting that a card could be so dominant in Standard but have no impact in Legacy. I'm not sure how much he's used in Extended now but unless something comes out in the future that synergizes with him I don't see that he would become more popular in other formats.

Now if they printed something like a COP for planeswalkers or some other kind of defense, things might change as planeswalkers are powerful, just easy to remove in other formats and expensive to cast.

May 26, 2011 11:06 a.m.

tomohr says... #10

It really depends on what kind of cards you got in the box. You can't say that you want to put together a MBC (mono black control) deck if you pulled tons of great red and white cards... You can get 2/3 decent decks out of a box, but if you want to put together a great one then you have to find your strongest cards and work with those. Let us know what some of your rares were and then you can start thinking about what kinds of decks you can put together... if you got any Karn Liberated that would be a great start

May 26, 2011 11:15 a.m.

zandl says... #11

Anyways, back on topic...

Black is a fairly strong color in this block. Use that to your advantage.

May 26, 2011 1 p.m.

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