Just Came Back to Magic, Please Help Critique
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 13, 2012, 3:20 p.m. by TreeEskimo
I recently returned to playing after a 9 year break from Magic. I've recently become interested again due to the state of competitive video games so I threw down some money with my friends and bought myself a new collection of cards.
I made this deck in about 2 days, it's effect on my friends is more then enough but I'm looking to start playing in standard tournaments at my local TCG store. I enjoy the atmosphere of those tournaments (I spent most of my middle school in yu-gi-oh or magic tournaments), but I don't want to get ABSOLUTELY demolished. I was big into playing but not so much deck composition and strategy, I just winged a basic strat when I was younger.
My Goal is to get some critique on this new deck of mine. Some of the questions I have are; What general theme should I go? What type of deck would be the easiest to build from my current, and what cards I might hope to obtain to build a competent standard deck able to stand up to what's being played out there today.
I would like to stay mono-white but if you have any reasoning as to go something else I'd love to hear it
Link to My Current Deck: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/1st-deck-back-needs-critique/
I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get, I'm open to criticism.
mafteechr says... #2
April 13, 2012 3:29 p.m.