just for fun deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 7, 2011, 2:47 p.m. by Derka
ok so this deck wins alot where i play it was never ment to be a tourny deck tho just wondering if anyone had input on how to make it faster generaly only time i lose is if i get ganged up on thanks
1 emrakul, the aeons torn 4 dash hopes 2 diabolic tutor 4 exsanguinate 2 temporal extortion 1 dread 2 doom blade 4 sign in blood 1 avatar of woe 1 gauntlet of power 2 sadistic sacrament 1 sorin markov 1 massacre wurm 2 carnifex demon 2 magus of the coffers 3 tendrils of coruption 1 plague wind 2 go for the throat 1 no mercy 1 decree of pain 1 hex 1 black market 1 liliana vess 1 reiver demon 1 phage the untouchable