just wondering.
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 24, 2013, 5:55 p.m. by pokeyrabbit
do you think it would be possible to convert standards aristocrats deck in to a competitive modern deck?
pokeyrabbit says... #3
really? isn't aristocrats a aggro deck and melira pod a combo deck? i'm not challenging you, just confused.
July 24, 2013 6:48 p.m.
Melira pod is a combo deck that works very well without the combo, it's still a deck full of aggressive creatures and big beaters.
Also aristocrats can be considered combo if you consider the games red aristocrats has won off of Blasphemous Act or how junk aristocrats has won off of saccing all their dudes to win off of Blood Artist triggers.
July 24, 2013 6:53 p.m.
Melira pod can be both, check out the list. I've won with combo's and as a straight aggro deck. That is part of the greatness of it. It's not just one style and has a lot of interactions to support multiple styles of play.
July 24, 2013 6:54 p.m.
July 24, 2013 6:57 p.m.
like 60 cards and a 15 card sideboard. There should be some in here.
July 24, 2013 6:58 p.m.
Well, if you go the junk route modern gives you access to both Elspeths, which are stellar token producers, Dark Confidant for CA, and the fetchlands. You could even put Angelic Destiny on Cartel Aristocrat or something and swing forever.
July 24, 2013 10:44 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #10
alright, i was just wondering if it would work, thanks for all of the comments it greatly appreciated.
Demarge says... #2
do you mean Melira, Sylvok Outcast pod? That is essentially the same strategy only with much better cards.
July 24, 2013 6:46 p.m.