Justin the Grixis Dentist

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 19, 2013, 6:28 p.m. by MindAblaze

Hello all my TappedOut Peeps!

So I quite enjoy the current state of my deck. It does everything I want it to now. Beat up on your hand both bluntly, and with precision...just like a Grixis Dentist should.

One problem I've found is it can get run over by swarms game one, but it sideboards fairly well with sweepers and more hand disruption for token generators and the like.

While I haven't seen a recent update of a Splintertwin deck around lately, I assume it would go very similarly. Pick out key pieces and board in Rakdos Charm to kill them when they try to kill me...

Essentially I'm trying to get ready for the meta and thus, sideboard help would be so valuable as well as ideas on what to swap out in certain matchups.

So I ask you for your help now. If you could playtest against my deck and see how it goes I would greatly appreciate that. A quick run down of the match would be awesome and I'll +1 the deck you used and try to see what I can contribute to your build.

Oh yes, the decks called Robust Harvest

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