Land Flood vs. Land Drought
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2013, 3:58 p.m. by strateupjee
So I know it sounds impossible because I still don't believe it, but somehow whenever I take my land count down to 20 in Garruk's Ooza Palooza I cannot find a land no matter what I do, and if I take it to 21 I have turns upon turns where all I draw is land, now I don't need a lot since it is Elf Ramp, however I do need about 3 to get things going, and I don't understand why that is so hard, if anyone has any feedback it would be greatly appreciated!
strateupjee says... #4
I figured that was the problem haha, but I have opted for 21 land due to having a lot of fatties, I need to have a sufficient land base even if my elves get wiped off the board
August 2, 2013 5:26 p.m.
killroy726 says... #5
how is your shuffling technique? it might be how your shuffling effects where your cards stick together and you get massive mana pockets. On that note try separating your deck into 10 different even piles then shuffle them all together and see how that works it seems to work for me but I dont have any tribal elf decks and my least land count among any of my decks is 22 but who knows it just might work good luck!
August 2, 2013 5:40 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #6
I wouldn't run any less than 24-25 lands in that deck. You only have 7 mana elves, and a ridiculous top-end with an enormous amount of 4-6 drops.
Dalektable says... #2
Sounds like you just have bad like, friend! I run across this problem often, i'll drop a decks land down a couple because i draw too many then draw none! It's awful.
August 2, 2013 4:18 p.m.