Land suggestions for 5 color deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 8, 2013, 10:46 p.m. by julesleos
I'm looking for some input on what types of lands to run with a 5 color deck: 5 Color Cascade
Specifically whether or not I should run some return to ravnica block shocklands vice the shards of alara tap lands I'm currently using. Any input would be appreciated though. Thanks!
I threw some shocklands in there, but I'm keeping the majority of the lands as the tap lands, simply because the deck is designed to get Amulet of Vigor or Root Maze out by turn 3 (via cascade, if they weren't in your opening hand) whereby all my lands will essentially come into play untapped regardless of type OR my opponents lands come in tapped as well. If I can get both out, all the better. It is almost impossible not to get one or the other out by turn 4 at the latest.
August 9, 2013 10:36 a.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #4
That's still 2 or 3 turns of wasted land drops if you don't Amulet down on turn 1. That alone can put you at a disadvantage if you at least don't have Root Maze down. I just don't think it's worth it to run tap lands in a 5-color deck, especially since you have better options like City of Brass and Glimmervoid at your disposal. The combination with Vigor and Maze can stay if you want it to, but your lands should enter untapped on their own to keep consistency.
August 9, 2013 11:10 a.m.
I have no other cards with a cmc less than 3 though, so untapped lands on turn 1 and two do me no good. that is by design, but ill play around with your ideas and see if I can come up with anything better, thanks for your input!
Cobthecobbler says... #2
Ideally, you want all of your lands to enter untapped. So yes, running them is good. Also running Checklands/Buddylands (Dragonskull Summit , Hinterland Harbor ) can be good, too, so you're not always shocking yourself. ABUR Duals (Although, They're insanely expensive (Taiga , Bayou , Volcanic Island , Underground Sea ) and Fetch Lands (To fetch those shocks and ABUR duals) is completely ideal. But the mana base alone could be well over $800.
I have a 5 color deck where I've worked out a substitute for ABUR's and Fetches, being that those are the most expensive parts of the land-base. So check out my Five-color Beatdown and Reanimator deck to get an idea of what lands can help you out. My personal favourites are City of Brass , Pillar of the Paruns , and Ancient Ziggurat .
August 9, 2013 6:27 a.m.