Last check for G/W Auras
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2014, 10:44 a.m. by Vieno
After weeks of working on it, I believe this will be the last time I ask for help on this deck.
Tonight, i'm taking this deck to FNM with the goal of winning for my first time (3/1 or 4/0, as long as I win something). So, I need some opinions on a few things.
First, Experiment One . Believe me, I know how good he is, but looking at my current deck..the only things that can evolve him are: Heliod, God of the Sun , Witchstalker , and Selesnya Charm . Not very reliable, so I feel like unless I change up my other creatures, Experiment One doesn't belong.
Second: Should I have Sphere of Safety as a mainboard card? If not, can I get some suggestions on what to replace it with?
Lastly, I could use some advice on what to do with the last remaining sideboard slots.
Final note, please try to keep the price on any suggestions under $2.50 each (or $10 for 4). If it's super important, i'm willing to go a little over, but this is supposed to be a budget deck. Thanks for any help you guys offer, i'd still be making terrible decks if it weren't for you guys!
Vieno says... #2
Alright, I feel like i've gotten the deck as good as it's going to get with what I have so far, but I need to figure out what i'm going to do for the last set of creatures. Things I have in mind are: Fleecemane Lion , Boon Satyr , and Loxodon Smiter , but i'm very unsure of myself. I feel like I should have some 2 drops in there somewhere, considering so many things are already 3 drops. Any advice please?
January 10, 2014 12:38 p.m.