Legacy affinity help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 12, 2012, 9:38 a.m. by Sidneyious
I want to main board some removal but I really don't think that is the way to go.
The ravager/dotv combo is nice but dotv is dead on her own and not worth a slot at all.
Ravager is nice, but again I don't feel I need it but it does make other decks removal moot as I can sac the artifact to it to make it bigger in response.And makes running 4 mox opal mandatory.
4 Tezz 2.0 is to much 3 is nice but I really want to make sure I get it for the for sure t3 win if the beat down isn't getting through on t2.
Adding another color is out of the question, 4 master of etherium is to much, 3 is where I would like to be but again having it there for the beat down is nice as he can be an 8/8 on his own.
Not sure what to cut, I know I have 4 or so to many lands.
Sidneyious says... #2
Legacy Affinity
Title update
September 12, 2012 4:14 p.m.