legacy artifact needs help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 6, 2012, 7:27 a.m. by brennanmtgplayer

note first plz that this deck isnt meant to CRUSH the oppozitions at all costs must top 8 gRRRRRR its just a fun combo deck. that being said i think the idea is pretty self explanatory ramp into a metalworker abuse him and possibly a voltaic key to put out big nastys fast. i dont play magic super often and probably don't know of alot of newer (and some older cards) and i am sure that i have missed some cool combos. problems that i have noticed so far. 1.if i dont draw a metalworker/ enlightened tutor i am pretty screwed 2. i dont know about trinitysphere it would seem to slow alot of decks down and be a possible great turn 1 drop in alot of match ups altho i think it may get sideboarded 3. metal worker is obviosly a huge target for removal which is why mental mistep in in there to protect from swords and bolts the deck is legacy artifact fun i think thats how u link if not the link is http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/legacy-artifact-fun/

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