Let's break Epic Experiment (RtR)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 12, 2012, 1:21 p.m. by Strangelove

I used two standard infinite mana combos to plug into the new RtR spoiler, Epic Experiment . This is my build:


If anyone has ideas or suggestions, or even just +1s, I'd love 'em. Infinite loops are fun.

cooknathan says... #2


September 12, 2012 8:24 p.m.

gremegity says... #3

This is a standard deck. Storm won't work.

As to your question, what do you think about Devastation Tide ?

September 13, 2012 6:28 p.m.

cooknathan says... #4

I didnt say it was for standard, I wasnt intending it for standard, Epic Experiment in storm decks will rock.

Reverberate is also great if you cast Epic Experiment , then Reverberate copying the experiment, the copy resolves revealing another reverberate and you can copy the original again... Im gona go build a storm deck now :-)

September 13, 2012 9:18 p.m.

graft says... #5

Storm is getting a fun new plaything, but I'm not sure what comes out of the typical Pyromancer Ascension deck for it. Casting Epic Experiment into an active Pyromancer Ascension just wins the game, or revealing a Past in Flames wins too. I could see Legacy High Tide decks trying this as a 1-of.

Even though it's a very cool idea, I'm a bit skeptical of Reverberate with Epic Experiment -- you don't gain any actual value by reverberating it until you cast Epic for X = 4 (you break even at X = 3), which means you'll need 4URRR, which is a ton of mana. Maybe if you had a way to guarantee a 2nd Reverberate onto the top of your library, but that would be a 4-card combo. I suppose there is also Increasing Vengeance .

I would love to cast an Epic Experiment with a Thrumming Stone in play, even though it still couldn't cast the revealed copies of Epic Experiment.

I don't think Standard has the tools to build a winning around this card yet... more sets will have to be released. But Strangelove's deck is a cool start. In the right deck, Augur of Bolas + Cackling Counterpart could help search for the combo.

September 14, 2012 11:38 a.m.

cooknathan says... #6

What it really needs in standard is a Geosurge /Seething Song .

September 14, 2012 10:28 p.m.

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