Let's make the perfect Naya Humans
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 12, 2013, 9:09 p.m. by Araj
Alright, so let's get down to work.
Core Cards:
Champion of the Parish : Here's our guy, he grows to great proportions by turn 3-4 becoming anywhere from a 3/3 to a 4/4 depending on our plays, he's a 1 drop that turns into one of our main early game threats. He's what we'll usually want to bond to Silverblade Paladin and is one of our main win conditions.
Silverblade Paladin : This guy provides a huge amount of damage output through his soulbond alone, and is a 2/2 double striker himself when bonded. Putting him on a Champion of the Parish on turn 3 (assuming the Champ is a 3/3 post-play) provides 6 damage from the champion alone as well as giving him first strike. He creates a huge spike in our damage and will kill our opponent by turn 4 if not responded to.Mayor of Avabruck Flip : The Human Lord, he's extremely potent for 2 CMC through buffing our humans, and if per-chance he does transform he will start creating his own army and has the potential to win the game single-handedly. As if that weren't enough, he also makes our Champion of the Parish a 3/3 on turn 2.
Basic Beaters:
Burning-Tree Emissary : A 2/2 for 2 that is essentially free to us!!! This guy lets us play 2 humans on turn 2, pumping our champion twice and rapidly expanding our board to frightening proportions. A cool little trick you can pull is to play Burning-Tree Emissary followed up by a Lightning Mauler soulbonded on turn 2, and then swing in with the team for a total of 7 damage on turn 2 (with the help of a 3/3 Champion of the Parish )
Lightning Mauler : A 2/1 for 2 that allows us to haste into play a silverblade or frontline medic, or a Burning-tree emissary as I have aforementioned.
Frontline Medic : With him, we can now beatdown without fear! Our little guys are impervious, and those Bonfire of the Damned s just became 3 mana more costly for our opponents.
Boros Elite : This guy seems little, and sure he isn't as good as our Champ, but we do need an alternate one drop. The Elite turns into a 3/3 on turn 3 or 4 when we swing in with our team, giving him strength similar to that of a champion. He'll do, and it's either him, card:Avacyn's Pilgrim or Experiment One .
Well there's my analysis, now let's hear what you have to say!
Check out this deck too: The Power of Burning Humans