levels of play
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 27, 2012, 12:11 a.m. by borayuce
i know a lot of people on here are trying to make massive overkill decks for turny play, but that is not for every one.
for example, me, I am just getting back into mtg. all my cards are standard, and i limit my self to one box per release. There does not seem to be an area on tappedout for my style of play. i play friendly matches, and some time fnm. Now, I do well in both, but my friends do not. they dont buy boxes.
the only reson why i play standard is i lost all my old cards, and if i still had them, none of them would be modern legal.
I think there needs to be diff level of play for evaluation of decks.
when people show a deck they are playing with, you get people saying what cards would be better. That does not help people learn.
This is why mana burn is not a thing any more. we dont help people learn why, so rules must be more simple.
who wants a learners pool
or a paupers pool
or some thing doing new pool?
it needs to be devided=
Epochalyptik the feedback on my decks are fine. I have the cards to fill in what they are saying. But i believe, as for casual players, i am in the minority.
people say add this card, but they dont say why. being an old player, coming back, i can see what they are saying (i learned in the wild west of mtg). but there are a lot of players who are new, or week sauce, who want to up there game. further more, there are a bunch of players who dont know the current metagame who need help. I just think there needs to be diff forum areas for level of play. deck help for legacy, modern, standard, limited, new players, players returning.
This would lower repeat topics, and give a p;ace for people to look.
i consider myself a standard player who fights modern players. this is because i comeback and all my cards are standard, and my friends are not. i am just lucky that there ramp is weeksauce, but i would love to know how to make my decks better and why.
why is what i need.
in uper level deck construction why is not the question. in midlevel, why is important on interesting effects. on low level, why is important always.
see what i mean now?
September 27, 2012 12:33 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
That makes more sense. I suppose there could be subforums for each format, kind of like there are subsections for decks of varying formats. The general and deck help forums are typically the talking place for people looking for help with their understanding of the game.
As for the quality and content of others' feedback (since subforums are only going to be as good as the people posting in them), that's mostly up to the users. I agree that explanations are often the most helpful part of any post, but not every user explains his or her thoughts (or even feels the need to).
September 27, 2012 12:41 a.m.
there are some truths, such as in standard and you are playing vamps, nighthawks win games. not every one knows this. i have said it before on the forum.
But when i am asking for help, i want refining help. that is a diff level of help.
also, some of us rock ad somt thing, say r/g or b splashed with blue, but cant do some thing else (i cant do pure blue) and want help there
where is the forum for theory?
September 27, 2012 12:58 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
It depends on the kind of theory. Right now, there are three possibilities:
Commander forum - This is where discussions about EDH take place. Most of them are limited to EDH theory or debates and don't really delve into help with specific decks.
Deck help forum - This is for posts requesting help with various aspects of certain decks. The threads themselves usually don't host much discussion, but they're a nice way to promote discussion on your deck pages.
General forum - This is where everything else tends to go. A lot of spoiler, theory, "X or Y," and "what do you think about Z" threads get posted here. Many Standard theory threads get posted here out of lack of a dedicated Standard forum and it's not uncommon to see discussions going on about various archetypes, the potential playability of new cards, or debates about the potential of certain approaches to deckbuilding and playing.
September 27, 2012 1:10 a.m.
yeah, but in those forums you dont get deck deconstruction. You learn, yes jace is a good card, but no one tells you he sucks in a burn deck.
it is a diff level of evaluation.
for example, i made a blink deck. I know where the flaws in a blink deck lie. now say a novice made a blink deck, and had no clue where the problems are. if both decks went to the help forum, they should be addressed diff.
levels of play.
September 27, 2012 1:40 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
I see what you're saying. Part of the problem is that you don't always know what you don't know. Other users have even less of a shot at knowing. Therefore, it's often hard to understand exactly what a particular user needs to hear/read to get a proper grasp of the situation. The most important thing is to ask questions whenever you don't understand something. If someone tells a new player "X is better than Y," that new player's first instinct should be to ask why - first to himself or herself and then to the other player if he or she hasn't reached a solid conclusion.
Epochalyptik says... #2
I'm not entirely sure what you're advocating here.
If you feel that your interests are at odds with the people who leave feedback on your decks (for example, suppose you want a budget deck with moderate effectiveness and no infinite combos and most of your feedback is telling you to include expensive combos), try using your deck description to explain exactly what you want the deck to do.
September 27, 2012 12:18 a.m.