Looking for a better 3 drop (MODERN)

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 11, 2014, 11:15 a.m. by harrydemon117

Right now I'm running Sin Collector to help vs control decks, but I am wondering if someone has a better replacement for it overall?

The Walking Junk

Jay says... #2

Courser of Kruphix has been seeing some action because it not only extends your reach into your deck (which effectively prevents you from drawing lands), but also severely lowers the life lost from taxing lands like shocks and fetches. Fetch -> Shock goes from -3 Life to -1, and a regular fetch actually gains you a life.

March 11, 2014 11:57 a.m.

Jay says... #3

Not to mention he stops everything in Zoo dead in its tracks

March 11, 2014 11:59 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #4

This is true. I am running MOSTLY planeswalkers with very little creatures right now (only Solemn Simulacrum and Sin Collector ) as I run Day of Judgment main deck as well.

I have been thinking of using Qasali Pridemage to replace Sin Collector as it gives me additional outs to Blood Moon or other shenanigans

March 11, 2014 12:03 p.m.

blackmarker90 says... #5

Run a Golgari Charm for enchantment hate

March 11, 2014 12:35 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #6

I thought about that but game 1 it can't do anything FOR me as far as winning the game. The pridemage at least gives me a body to attack with should I need it.

Golgari Charm seems more of a sideboard card doesn't it?

March 12, 2014 10:22 a.m.

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