Looking for a good Hellion Deck.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 7, 2013, 7:23 a.m. by Avernar
Hey guys.
Just looking at some cards, a couple really caught my eye. Thromok the Insatiable is interesting with his devour concept. The other is Ulasht, the Hate Seed . This makes me wonder if a hell-hydra deck is possible. Problem is, I've never even touched hellion cards much before, as well as devour. I'm looking to make this deck for casual play, and hopefully hellion-hydra red green. A splash of blue for Storm Crow would be nice too.Thanks.
Doubling Season and Parralel Lives are good for the boost. Same with Young Pyromancer, which I happen to have 4 of. Krenko's command is a bit weak, as I have seen better token dispensers, but sadly not red ones. For green we can do MUCH better. Night soil is gunna be fun to use.
smackjack says... #2
I never seen those cards, they seems fun to play. Maybe a deck with Young Pyromancer , Doubling Season and Parallel Lives along with lots of burn and ramp spells to get tokens to devour / boost Ulasht? Maybe a couple of Krenko's Command would be good with the doublers out? Night Soil could be used as graveyard hate and token generator.
December 7, 2013 7:47 a.m.