Looking for a help for a competitive deck...
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 26, 2013, 8:05 p.m. by DreamGoddessLindsey
I have a couple decks I have built. One is a sliver hive, the other is based around the new Chandra, Pyromaster .
The first is Celestial Sliver Hive, which combines the Archangel of Thune and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice life increasing abilities with the Syphon Sliver while bringing out a lot of pain from slivers.
The second is Chandra's Flames, a mono-red burn deck with enough creatures to harass opponents and bring more field presence.
I'm just looking for help on how to improve the decks. I've only been flamed on MWS, told that I play with crappy cards and I should just tear up all my cards. I don't take kindly to trolling and flaming and am pretty ticked off about it all. Only looking for constructive criticism, and only cards from the Return to Ravnica block and M14 so they can survive rotation.