Looking for Advice on a Red Acceleration Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:45 p.m. by SpammyV

Hello! I've been thinking recently of building a red acceleration deck, the kind that can play a 6+ mana creature as early as possible. I know I need multiple copies of rite-of-flames, Infernal PlungeMTG Card: Infernal Plunge, Seething SongMTG Card: Seething Song, and [Geosurg]]e to pull it off, and as many as possible. This deck is intended for casual play.

I'm aware of the turn 2 12/12 Furyborn HellkiteMTG Card: Furyborn Hellkite strategy, just looking for a few options in addition to him. There's a lot of White control floating around the casual meta, so I've also heavily considered Akroma, Angel of FuryMTG Card: Akroma, Angel of Fury to get around that problem. I'm also willing to consider a third option, red or colorless, around the 6-8 cost range, for not to high a cost. Ulamog's CrusherMTG Card: Ulamog's Crusher? Annihilator 2 can't do anyone a favor early in the game.

And early game advice would also be appreciated. I'm looking at Skirk ProspectorMTG Card: Skirk Prospector in addition to Goblin ArsonistMTG Card: Goblin Arsonist and Goblin FireslingerMTG Card: Goblin Fireslinger (To pull off the turn 2 12/12 trick), so I have a little flexibility in that I can more or less pool mana between turns if I need to. Also, how useful would Lightning BoltMTG Card: Lightning Bolts and ShockMTG Card: Shocks be to help weaken/finish opponents? FireballMTG Card: Fireball? If I don't use GeosurgeMTG Card: Geosurge it can give me a lot of mana to throw into one of those.

Any advice or perspective would be appreciated. Unless your advice is, "Johnny don't do it!" in which case use the codeword "muskrat."

Vorxis says... #2

I'd suggest going red/green for your strategy, utilising cards such as Tinder WallMTG Card: Tinder Wall, Simian Spirit GuideMTG Card: Simian Spirit Guide, Elvish Spirit GuideMTG Card: Elvish Spirit Guide, ManamorphoseMTG Card: Manamorphose, Lotus PetalMTG Card: Lotus Petal and Burning WishMTG Card: Burning Wish, along with your mana producing spells. A turn two Ulamog's CrusherMTG Card: Ulamog's Crusher should be easily achievable with a handful of those cards.

February 22, 2012 8:28 p.m.

xo2 says... #3

Since its red, you can't forget about Koth of the HammerMTG Card: Koth of the Hammer, especially if it's mono red.

February 22, 2012 9:34 p.m.

SpammyV says... #4

Will Koth work as quickly as I need though? I'm not supposed to have a lot of Mountains on the field when this deck explodes. I don't know if there's a word for this accel spell into accel spell thing, but I like explosion. Then I can make jokes about explosions of flavor and my deck exploding in your face.

At any rate, Koth just seems... slow. I suppose he could work after I've exploded into a big creature to give the deck some staying power afterwards and extra mana for another big creature if I've spent all my accelerants.

Splashing extra colors feels... dangerous. While Tinder WallMTG Card: Tinder Wall is excellent, I'm concerned about actually being able to cast it quickly enough. I'll definitely keep that suggestion in mind though... Tinder WallMTG Card: Tinder Wall is excellent.

February 23, 2012 12:53 a.m.

Vorxis says... #5

Typically, a deck like this uses Empty the WarrensMTG Card: Empty the Warrens or GrapeshotMTG Card: Grapeshot to overwhelm the opponent turn two or three. in these instances, you would be playing a "storm" deck, revolving around the fact that you play your entire hand in one hit (5 or 6 spells), and then cast the aforementioned cards, replicating the effect for every spell you played before it during your turn. 12 goblins turn one is pretty much game over for your opponent.

Another deck you can possibly build would be the Goblin CharbelcherMTG Card: Goblin Charbelcher deck. i'll link my own deck so you can take a peek:

Deathly belcher

It can win before your opponent takes a turn, but has to be aggressively Mulliganed to be effective.

February 23, 2012 2:15 a.m.

pmcwilliams says... #6

I ran into a similar deck based around Charmbreaker DevilsMTG Card: Charmbreaker Devils today. They should do the trick. Being able to re-use two geosurges a turn or two later is very useful, especially when coupled with the above mentioned [empty the warrens]] and [grapeshot]]

While you are at it, throw in an Assault StrobeMTG Card: Assault Strobe or two and you will be doing well.

As for mana, I have seen many suggestions but [grinning ignus]] seems like a sensible option if you don't draw a perfect first hand. Storing a little mana on the field is never a bad thing.

April 6, 2012 11:53 a.m.

pmcwilliams says... #7

Another variant on the deck can focus on haste and trample with cards such as Blistering FirecatMTG Card: Blistering Firecat and Ball LightningMTG Card: Ball Lightning. Throw an Assault StrobeMTG Card: Assault Strobe on the firecat and you are a turn ahead of the Furyborn HellkiteMTG Card: Furyborn Hellkite with more damage.

How possible?

T1: mountain, Rite of FlameMTG Card: Rite of Flame, Pyretic RitualMTG Card: Pyretic Ritual, Seething SongMTG Card: Seething Song, Blistering FirecatMTG Card: Blistering Firecat, Assault StrobeMTG Card: Assault Strobe

14 Damage and still room for another card. Not bad for turn one. Note, this combo doesn't rely on GeosurgeMTG Card: Geosurge which limits what type of spell the mana may be spent on.

Likelihood of having this hand? Not so high, hence the above mentioned Charmbreaker DevilsMTG Card: Charmbreaker Devils.

Also note, the morph cost of Blistering FirecatMTG Card: Blistering Firecat is essentially another form of mana storage similar to Grinning IgnusMTG Card: Grinning Ignus should you fail to draw the perfect hand.

April 6, 2012 12:15 p.m.

caik_caik says... #8

A Braid of Fire could be useful in the deck you are talking about. You could get out 4 pretty quickly.

May 6, 2015 4:54 p.m.

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