Looking for advice on an EDH deck.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 7, 2013, 3:51 p.m. by MagicalHacker
I'm having trouble finalizing the deck, since there are some cards I would like to use, but there is no room. I wrote 4-5 cards in a comment that I feel would definitely be useful in the deck, but I am not sure what I should take out and if the cards are even worth it.
The point behind the deck is to get Braids, Conjurer Adept on the field with some form of protection as quickly as possible. Usually, everybody is happy to see her on the field, so no one takes her out.
After that, my opponents will start playing huge things which leaves me with an opportunity to take them for free using creatures that take control of other creatures and her ability. If not, I have plenty threats of my own.
That's basically the entire strategy of the deck. Braids --> threats/Mind Control s.
Any suggestions for cards to take out / put in would be great. Thanks!