Looking for Assistance with a Green/Red Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 26, 2014, 9:15 a.m. by dvoulcaris
Hey guys, I'm new to Magic (like, yesterday is when I started) and I was wondering if this would be a decent deck for casual play against my mates:
Any feedback is appreciated; if my deck sucks, I haven't got the expensive ones yet (Oracle, Primordial, Thrun, or Dungrove - I have the rest) so it's no big deal.
dvoulcaris says... #3
Just casually, are there any that would ordinarily be banned?
March 26, 2014 9:42 a.m.
Depend on the format dvoulcaris
this page breaks down the different formats
Basically, it covvers the different formats, the sets that make up the construction of decks and cards banned in the formats.
Now, ignore anything about 'Extended' it's an old format that's been retired and no longer used.
For casual play, there is a format called EDH'Commander mtgcommander.net That is not sanctioned, but accepted by many players around the world.
In regular casual, most of this stuff doesn't matter and only need to keep to minimum 60 cards and no more than 4 cards of each.
In terms of what is played, standard, modern, limited are your more popular formats, if you went into an local game store (lgs), they are probably playing one of these for fnm. Some stores with clientele that's been playing for years might have legacy tournaments going also.
New to the game and if you want to compete, concentrate on standard, limited, modern in that order. Price wise, limited is the cheapest (10-15$ each tournament for a draft and you get 3 packs, =though read up on drafting to see how this is distributed). Sealed is around 30$ average and 6 packs. Standard, is next with the best decks running under 500$ but since this changes often enough, you're paying more in the long run as you're updating your decks constantly with cards in high demand. Modern doesn't change as often, but has a higher buy-in, as decks will cost from 3-400 up to 1500$. But it's almost a one time fee and the deck will tournament viable for years (unlike standard)... The others cost much more (legacy/vintage). EDH can be very expensive to very cheap to build and doesn't rotate either.
Only worry about this stuff if you plan to play competitively. Otherwise, just build your decks as you see fit.
Us asking the format is a means to figure out what cards to suggest and what not based on the cards available for the format and what we understand/know to be the best cards and mixture for the deck in question.
March 26, 2014 9:56 a.m.
dvoulcaris says... #5
I am only going to play casually for the purposes of having fun with friends - at least until I get a little more experienced at making decks (I did only learn the game yesterday, so by the time I'm ready I think I'll understand what you mean.
I assume Commander is a Modern deck (and thus accepted), and from what I can tell (from what you're saying), my deck would get stomped in tournament play, but is probably still my best bet since I don't want to have to bring out a new deck and construct it before a game (and I definitely don't want to have to keep up-to-date with all the newest ones).
So, is my deck Modern (Commander / MDH confuses me)?If it's not, is it safe to assume that the only ones that aren't modern are the ones without their names within the border? (Tangles, Shocks, Lava Axes, hidden Gibbons)?
March 26, 2014 10:17 a.m.
No, comander/edh are constructed in a singleton format, meaning only one of each card except basic land and it can only contain 100 cards or 99 + the commander (o more or less), An example of a commander deck is The Freaks Come Out At Night The commander rules are a bit more complex than that, please see the link I provided to mtgcommander.net above for more info.
But yes, yours is a modern deck.
March 26, 2014 10:37 a.m.
So basically, modern casual, inexpensive fun is what you're after?
March 26, 2014 10:40 a.m.
dvoulcaris says... #8
Pretty much. I won't be going to tournaments and I have like ten friends that play this game (which is why I'm getting into it), so I just whipped up a deck tonight that I thought sounded good.
Thanks for the links. Any ideas on improving the deck itself (cheaply if possible :P), bearing in mind that I don't have:- Tangles- Hydras- Oracle - Dungroves- Thruns
But I do have the rest?
March 26, 2014 10:44 a.m.
I'm not good at casual builds, sorry, I'll leave it to others, but wanted to help through that mess of formats and crap to get us to this point.
My idea of casual is playing to play, not caring if I'm going to win or lose and any old pile of cards will do. Casual can be extremely broken and fun... which others are better at doing than I.
EddCrawley says... #2
Do you play any particular format, ie Standard, Modern. or is it Casual so that anything goes?
March 26, 2014 9:32 a.m.