looking for feedback on my blue/green main

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 2, 2012, 7:26 p.m. by caseyrs

building a deck that draws and pulls mana fast to get heavy creatures on the field that benefit from it. my current build focuses on Steel HellkiteMTG Card: Steel Hellkite and SturmgeistMTG Card: Sturmgeist

is there anything i can do to improve on this, or even any better cards that the deck would support well?link: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/accelerated-handsteel-hellkite-sturmgeist/

any criticism (positive or negative) is appreciated.

Basuldur says... #2

February 2, 2012 10:21 p.m.

BuLLZ3Y3 says... #3

I don't think you should run the elf ramp. I think running Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise, Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growth, and Solemn SimulacrumMTG Card: Solemn Simulacrum is a much more consistent and cost-effective ramp system. Plus Simulacrum puts a card in your hand.

Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan is the epitome of mana-acceleration. Put a 6/6 trampling body on it as well and you've got a genuine game-ender. While you're looking to win via Steel HellkiteMTG Card: Steel Hellkite and SturmgeistMTG Card: Sturmgeist, a little Titan action wouldn't help at all.

Also, Basuldur is correct, Consecrated SphinxMTG Card: Consecrated Sphinx is a much better card then Mind UnboundMTG Card: Mind Unbound.

In addition, you need some protection! Taking out the elves gives you space for cards like Mana LeakMTG Card: Mana Leak, DissipateMTG Card: Dissipate, and Beast WithinMTG Card: Beast Within. You'll probably want to increase your land count as well, because having most of your mana come from creatures is VERY risky. I would suggest adding four more lands.

FogMTG Card: Fog, Slice in TwainMTG Card: Slice in Twain, and Hunter's InsightMTG Card: Hunter's Insight should all be replaced with the cards mention above, they just aren't powerful enough for the current Standard Metagame.

Venser's JournalMTG Card: Venser's Journal is certainly pretty good with the idea of drawing cards, and I wouldn't change that amount, seeing as you'll eventually want an infinite hand size, and gaining life each upkeep is pretty awesome.

This is a very cool idea, and with some tweaking and tuning, could be a very powerful Blue/Green Control deck utilizing SturmgeistMTG Card: Sturmgeist as an awesome win condition. +1


February 3, 2012 2:55 a.m.

caseyrs says... #4

thanks guys ive posted a reply in the deck comments

February 3, 2012 10:26 a.m.

caseyrs says... #5

heres the alt deck feel free to try both of them out


February 3, 2012 12:41 p.m.

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