Looking for help in a control deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 6, 2013, 4:02 a.m. by Shangshu

So I want to make a control deck that will basically win in a few turns. I have played a lot and seem to come up short on something 80% of the time. I am not well educated on deck building and I'm just looking for good suggestions on cards and types of decks. I know blue has a lot of control spells but what's a good second color? Thanks for the help :)

Epochalyptik says... #2

Are you talking about Standard here?

Control doesn't normally try to win in a few turns. Control is typically meant to go late-game.

Black, white, and red make good secondary colors in control.

Black offers removal, which is important. Counterspells aren't going to stop everything, and you'll eventually have to get rid of a resolved threat.

White is a natural control color. Detain, tap effects, and removal (usually removal for artifacts and enchantments rather than creatures) make white decent. Its creatures are the real stars, though. Cards like Angel of Serenity are good finishers and strong control creatures.

Red is meant to do two things: burn threats and smash artifacts. Mizzium Mortars and Bonfire of the Damned offer ways for control decks to deal with aggro decks because both cards can kill whole fields. However, some tempo decks will just outpace Izzet decks by speeding past counterspells and playing creatures too fat to be taken down by burn spells.

January 6, 2013 4:13 a.m.

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